ko4life-net / ko

Open source development of the game Knight Online. This is a reversed engineered old version of the game aiming to replicate the nostalgic experience we all once had <3
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.gitattributes working-tree-encoding bugs with UTF-16 encoding #243

Closed stevewgr closed 1 month ago

stevewgr commented 1 month ago


As noted in my comment here: https://github.com/ko4life-net/ko/pull/241#issuecomment-2241447558

  "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" checkout --progress --force -B gitattributes-utf16-fix refs/remotes/origin/gitattributes-utf16-fix
  Error: error: failed to encode 'src/game/res/Resource.rc' from UTF-8 to UTF-16
  Error: error: failed to encode 'src/server/AIServer/res/AIServer.rc' from UTF-8 to UTF-16
  Error: error: failed to encode 'src/server/AIServer/res/AIServer.rc2' from UTF-8 to UTF-16
  Error: error: failed to encode 'src/server/Aujard/Aujard.rc' from UTF-8 to UTF-16
  Error: error: failed to encode 'src/server/Aujard/res/Aujard.rc2' from UTF-8 to UTF-16
  Error: error: failed to encode 'src/server/Ebenezer/Ebenezer.rc' from UTF-8 to UTF-16

it appears that the .gitattributes configuration for working-tree-encoding is not functioning as expected. This issue is being raised for those interested in addressing it, as well as for those who have previously reported similar problems, including:

and also because git's bug reporting sucks (in hope that one of them see's this), reminiscent of outdated practices.

You might wonder why Git attempts to convert from UTF-8 to UTF-16 instead of the other way around, especially when the files are confirmed to be UTF-16LE with BOM. Well, this log message from git sucks, really... digging further into their source code: https://github.com/git/git/commit/107642fe2661236f48b912480e090799e339c512

It is what they call round-trip encoding, as detailed in their documentation on working-tree-encoding and the source code commit. This separated into two parts:

Now for git to render the diffs they need to be stored in the git index as UTF-8, otherwise they're considered as binary and therefore diffing won't work. .gitattributes is here for the rescue! oh wait, not actually... When we configure .gitattributes file with *.rc text working-tree-encoding=UTF-16LE-BOM, this helps git to know the original encoding of the file, so that internally it can use libiconv to properly transcode from the original encoding to UTF-8 and store it internally in the git index. But when we checkout the file via git, it will take the UTF-8 encoded from the git index and transcode it into the original UTF-16LE-BOM encoding to the git worktree. This explains the log message above in which stage it failed to transcode (encode_to_worktree).

Git's implementation of working-tree-encoding seems mostly correct, but issues arise during the checkout stage. Specifically, the tracked file becomes corrupted during the round-trip transcoding process. See my proof of concept (POC) below for details.

Why is this an issue for us? Because if someone submits a pull request with changes to any *.rc files, we won’t be able to view the diffs directly. Instead, we would need to check the file locally using tools that can render the diff properly. Also we're stricted to use UTF-16 for *.rc files since that's the official encoding Visual Studio uses in the Resource Editor to properly work with them.


To Reproduce

Use the following commands to reproduce this issue in Git:

# git version 2.45.2.windows.1
git --version

# open Git Bash
mkdir /tmp/git-bug-poc && cd /tmp/git-bug-poc
git init

echo 'hello' | iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-16LE > text.utf16
git add text.utf16 && git commit -m initial

# append changes to text.utf16
echo 'world' | iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-16LE >> text.utf16
git commit -m diff1 -a

# create the .gitattributes
echo '*.utf16 text working-tree-encoding=UTF-16LE-BOM eol=LF' > .gitattributes
git add .gitattributes && git commit -m gitattributes

# append changes to text.utf16
echo 'broken' | iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-16LE >> text.utf16
git commit -m diff2 -a

# reproduce the bug
# note that git bash will silently corrupt the file, whilst on powershell it will actually report the error:
# error: failed to encode 'text.utf16' from UTF-8 to UTF-16LE-BOM
# and leave you with a broken worktree where you can't discard the changes unless you git reset --hard to the commit
# before adding the .gitattributes file.
git checkout HEAD~1

# fix the corruption
git reset --hard HEAD~1


stevewgr commented 1 month ago

pre-commit script done:


echo 'Running pre-commit hook...'

git reset '*-diff.rc' '*-diff.rc2'
git checkout -- '*-diff.rc' '*-diff.rc2'
git clean -df '*-diff.rc' '*-diff.rc2'

rc_files=$(find . -type f \( -name '*.rc' -o -name '*.rc2' \) ! -name '*-diff.rc' ! -name '*-diff.rc2')
for rc_file in $rc_files; do
  iconv -f UTF-16LE -t UTF-8 "$rc_file" | awk 'NR==1{sub(/^\xEF\xBB\xBF/,"")}1' >> "$diff_file"

git add '*-diff.rc' '*-diff.rc2'

exit 0

I'll continue working tomorrow on integrating it into the config script.