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Improving the Koa ecosystem by moving all Koa modules to the koajs organization! #28

Open jonathanong opened 8 years ago

jonathanong commented 8 years ago

With GitHub's new organization administration, I want to try moving all koa middleware/plugins to the org. The goals are:

I'm not sure how this will work. I remember last time, you had to be an owner of the organization for you to transfer a repository to an organization.

The steps will be something like:

If anything, just transfer the repository to me and I'll add it to the organization. Comment here so I remember to add it to the organization! Let me know if anyone wants to transfer any repositories.

First one i'd like to transfer is koa-convert :)


fengmk2 commented 8 years ago

Agree! I will transfer all koa relate middlewares/plugins to koajs org.

jonathanong commented 8 years ago

@coderhaoxin are you able to transfer? if not, what's the error message?

yanickrochon commented 8 years ago

I'd like that, too. We can manage teams with an organization and this makes things easier for people to find good quality (and actively maintained) middlewares.

m4nuC commented 8 years ago

I'd transfer https://github.com/m4nuC/async-busboy if that makes sense.

haoxins commented 8 years ago

@m4nuC It seems that async-busboy is not a koa middleware >_<

tejasmanohar commented 8 years ago

I don't think it makes sense to transfer async-busboy since its application isn't tied to Koa.

m4nuC commented 8 years ago

@haoxin yes just a module (It's basically co-body for multipart with koa2 support). It could be made a middleware if that makes more sense.

tejasmanohar commented 8 years ago

@jonathanong Do we really want all middleware that works in the org though? Doesn't having it in the org signify that the org is going to maintain it? Just because it works doesn't mean it's maintained.

tejasmanohar commented 8 years ago

some that would be nice in the org...

jonathanong commented 8 years ago

We could vote on whether a module is deemed worthy of being in the org or not

tejasmanohar commented 8 years ago

not sure if github sends notifications for @mentions on edits/updates so here are some more :P

tejasmanohar commented 8 years ago

We could vote on whether a module is deemed worthy of being in the org or not

@jonathanong fair enough, this can get messy in threads. maybe we could get a survey platform? not sure what's good out there... if anyone knows, throw around some suggestions :)

haoxins commented 8 years ago


When I try to transfer koa-redis-cache to koajs, cache isn't in the teams checklist .

tejasmanohar commented 8 years ago

^ Maybe it's a secret team for some odd reason... :P

stiang commented 8 years ago

Great idea, I’d be happy to transfer koa-jwt. @jonathanong, can you please confirm that you want koa-jwt in the org?

jonathanong commented 8 years ago

@coderhaoxin but you're in the team and see it, right?

@stiang i'll let others decide that. i don't understand JWT :)

tejasmanohar commented 8 years ago

+1 from me for koa-jwt :+1: @stojanovic @jonathanong

stiang commented 8 years ago

@jonathanong Got it, but I’m not really sure who is authorized to say whether I should transfer koa-jwt :) @tejasmanohar, you have already requested it, and I see that you are part of the koajs org. Are you in a position to OK the transfer?

tejasmanohar commented 8 years ago

Nah, let others vote on it and an Owner (who can actually create teams + transfer) decide :)

stojanovic commented 8 years ago

:+1: for the idea

yanickrochon commented 8 years ago

:+1: for a voting system. This will also provide insight of what is actually being used (i.e. I didn't even know about koa-jwt!)

jonathanong commented 8 years ago

what about this: if more than one person wants to maintain it (ex. if someone wants to help @stiang maintain that repository), then it's in.

jonathanong commented 8 years ago

also, if someone could figure out how to easily transfer repos to the org, that woudl be great. otherwise, you can transfer it to me (or another owner) and we'll transfer it here

tejasmanohar commented 8 years ago

if more than one person wants to maintain it (ex. if someone wants to help @stiang maintain that repository), then it's in.

@jonathanong :+1: I agree. @stiang I'm all in to help maintain koa-jwt so you can transfer. My projects depend on it anyways :P

jonathanong commented 8 years ago

sweet. @stiang @tejasmanohar added you both to a new @koajs/jwt team. @stiang if you have trouble transferring it over to the org, transfer it to me and i'll transfer it to this org.

stiang commented 8 years ago

@jonathanong Great! I’ve transferred it now, looks like it’s already available at https://github.com/koajs/koa-jwt

I suppose it should be renamed to just "jwt" to adhere to the naming scheme used by koajs. Also, although I was presented with a list of koajs teams to give permission to, the koa-jwt group was not among them, so I currently don’t have write access to the repo. Could you please add the koa-jwt team manually?

@tejasmanohar Very happy that you are willing to help! I’ve fallen behind on PRs and issues lately, so the project could really benefit from some fresh attention.

jonathanong commented 8 years ago

interesting. when you transferred it over, it was added to no teams, so i had to add it to a team manually.

stiang commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I could have selected another team, but since the relevant one wasn’t displayed I didn’t add it to any. I tried reloading the page and retrying the transfer again, but I still got just a subset of the koajs teams to select from. Not sure what’s going on there.

I renamed the repo to "jwt".

aheckmann commented 8 years ago

If I am a member of a team, am I free to add new teams as well? For example, we have a few koa projects and middleware over at gh://pebble but I wouldn't want to move anything if I can't bring several developers along with it. Does it make sense to (1) create a Pebble team and add people and repos or does it make more sense to (2) stay distributed just leave repos where they are? I'm leaning towards option 2.

tj commented 8 years ago

I don't mind the idea of just everyone having access, if people do weird shit it'll just self-correct haha. That said I don't see a huge problem with using the wiki to list projects, that's still a more condensed view than browsing koajs/*

niftylettuce commented 8 years ago

@tj @jonathanong can you guys add me to @koajs and so I can have collab on https://github.com/koajs/ratelimit? I rewrote it the other day and I want to push it up and release a new major version for koa@next :+1: (it even has support for whitelist/blacklist, and all tests pass with flying sparkles :sparkles:)

tejasmanohar commented 8 years ago

@jonathanong How does moving popular Koa middleware into this org impact the general guidelines we already follow with repos in this org? For example, is it ok to transfer a middleware that's using Babel? What about code style? etc.

@niftylettuce I don't think we should merge that PR yet if koa-convert does the trick. That's the general procedure that all the rest of the middleware in this org has been following.

jonathanong commented 8 years ago

i don't care about code style as long as you have a linter to enforce one.

middleware should be transpiled before publishing anyways, at least for node v4+. i don't see why you need to write middleware that needs to be transpiled though.

yanickrochon commented 8 years ago

A transpiler should not be required when using a middleware; it should only be application-specific. That being said, I personally don't care if one is used, as long as npm install does not pull Babel or anything like that as dependency.

tejasmanohar commented 8 years ago

@jonathanong ah ok. fair enough. @yanickrochon yep, I didn't mean including the full babel-runtime in the package's distribution or anything like that but precompiling instead. that said, I thought we decided not to use Babel in middleware in this org so I thought I'd mention that this may be an issue when/if we transfer external middleware here :)

yanickrochon commented 8 years ago

@tejasmanohar all good :smile:

ruimarinho commented 8 years ago

@jonathanong we can contribute koa-pagination and koa-requestid. Additionally, we are preparing the release of an error mapper which allows registering different mappers to process each error class differently.

@thomseddon might be open to transfer koa-oauth-server, which we currently help maintain too.

yanickrochon commented 8 years ago

I see many people jumping in here, advocating for their projects... and while it's legit, may I suggest to all, no offense intended, that the most downloaded (i.e. popular) get's pulled into the koajs organisation first? I too have koa-* middlewares and one of them has more downloads than some proposed here. Yet, I consider that some middlewares should be promoted first. Like koa-gzip, koa-cors, koa-proxy, koa-timeout, koa-passport, etc.


nswbmw commented 8 years ago

I’d be happy to transfe:

koa-errorhandler @jonathanong koa-ip @jonathanong koa-mongo @jonathanong koa-scheme @jonathanong koa-router-validator @jonathanong koa-router-cache @jonathanong co-cache @jonathanong

Tip: you can use npm-user-downloads check your packages downloads ranking.

ruimarinho commented 8 years ago

@yanickrochon I think we should take this opportunity not to find which packages have more downloads than the others but to build consensus around them and improve the whole koa ecosystem. I'd be happy to work together on any of the ones I mentioned in case multiple ones from the community are available for the same purpose. Sometimes the multitude of packages on npm comes from the horrible search alone :)

yanickrochon commented 8 years ago

@ruimarinho oh, but I totally agree! My point was that I don't want everybody promoting their own koa-* repositories just for the sake that it has "koa-" as prefix! It's more of a prevention notice, so we don't need to trigger any rejection complex or whatever (LOL)

That being said, usually, the most used (i.e. downloaded) are the ones that should be maintained first (logically). There are cases, however, where you are right and we should take this opportunity to correct, or influence the use of a package over another. For example, there are a few caching middlewares for koa already, some of them perform almost the same thing.

All and all, my point is that community approved packages should be promoted first, so we don't end up with duplicated packages offering the same features yet again.

ruimarinho commented 8 years ago

@yanickrochon agreed! Main areas where I believe there is quite some overlap are caching, routing and error handling.

jonathanong commented 8 years ago

i've setup some teams here: https://github.com/orgs/koajs/teams

i'm sure some modules, even in the org, are not properly organized. looking at the teams might help you guys think about other modules to add to the org!

jonathanong commented 8 years ago

also i noticed a lot of PRs for Koa v2 support. if you see one and want to help, let me know. i don't plan on touching those PRs myself for a while.

aheckmann commented 8 years ago

@jonathanong we (Pebble) have a few repos we'd like to transfer. You want me to transfer to you first or just directly to koajs?

https://github.com/pebble/koa-resourcer https://github.com/pebble/koa-joi-router https://github.com/pebble/koa-resourcer-docs https://github.com/pebble/koa-bunyan-logger

jonathanong commented 8 years ago

@aheckmann you're an owner you should be able to transfer yourself

tejasmanohar commented 8 years ago

(to koajs)

aheckmann commented 8 years ago

cool, will do. thanks

tunnckoCore commented 8 years ago

I can transfer https://github.com/tunnckoCore/koa-ip-filter if you want. I have few more, but they are very outdated and I'm trying to update them soon. Now i'm working on total refactor of koa-better-body, using koa-body-parsers under the hood.

fundon commented 8 years ago

https://github.com/koa-modules/ ?