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KoaJS Discussions
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how to reg two part to the same file #35

Open gclinux opened 7 years ago

gclinux commented 7 years ago

test1 router.use('/test', require('./test').routes(), require('./test').allowedMethods()); /test -->ok /test2-->404

test2: router.use(['/test','test2'], require('./test').routes(), require('./test').allowedMethods()); /test -->404 /test2-->404


router.use('/test', require('./test').routes(), require('./test').allowedMethods());
router.use('/test2', require('./test').routes(), require('./test').allowedMethods());

/test->404 /test2-->404


var router = require('koa-router')();
router.get('/', async function (ctx, next) {
module.exports = router;

how to make both the /test and /test2 can be accesss