koajs / router

Router middleware for Koa. Maintained by @forwardemail and @ladjs.
MIT License
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Route followed by required verbs and handler syntax #141

Closed antonpious closed 2 months ago

antonpious commented 2 years ago

@koa/router version: 10.1.1 koa version: 2.13.4

Code sample:

In express route if we want to match multiple verbs with the same route we could provide the following syntax


What is the equivalent syntax in Koa Router? Currently its expecting the route to be repeated.

  .get('/users, handler)
  .post('/users', handler)
  .del('/users/:id', handler);

Does the router support optional parameters?

zacanger commented 1 year ago

I know this question is a little old, but I wanted to answer in case someone else comes across this in a search.

Your example of method (and HTTP method) chaining is correct. If that's too verbose, you could use a router.all and reject methods that you don't like. Example:

router.all('/foo', (ctx, next) => {
  const allowed = ['GET', 'POST']
  const isCorrect = allowed.includes(ctx.method)
  ctx.assert(ctx, 405, "Ah nah man that's not right")

As for optional path segments: yes, and if you need more complicated options you can use more Regex. Anything supported by path-to-regexp should be supported here, with obvious caveats like needing extra escapes for some characters.