Is anyone familiar with other projects/bash parsers that have suitable quality for use as a library for implementing static analyses?
I would like to implement some mostly syntactic lints for some of my bash coding conventions, but of course other dialects will be of interest for others.
It would be nice to publish such a known list somewhere in the project, since shellcheck is likely to be the hub/starting point when looking for such things.
Should I give up looking for anything else and just try to write my linters as haskell importing shellcheck?
Hi folks!
Is anyone familiar with other projects/bash parsers that have suitable quality for use as a library for implementing static analyses? I would like to implement some mostly syntactic lints for some of my bash coding conventions, but of course other dialects will be of interest for others.
It would be nice to publish such a known list somewhere in the project, since shellcheck is likely to be the hub/starting point when looking for such things.
Should I give up looking for anything else and just try to write my linters as haskell importing shellcheck?
I suppose is related.