koalyptus / TableFilter

A Javascript library making HTML tables filterable and a bit more :)
MIT License
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Problems with the cell editors extension of Tablefilter #711

Open Camilla97 opened 5 years ago

Camilla97 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to configure a select editor by using the extensions in table filter, but it's like the server skip just the cell_editor code and it's not working. The cells are editable, but is not possible to select options. Here is the JS code, where do I get it wrong?

  var tfConfig = {
              base_path: 'tablefilter/',
              alternate_rows: true,
              btn_reset: {
                  target_id: 'reset'
              rows_counter: {
                  target_id: 'rows',
              state: {
                //types: ['local storage'],
                filters: true,
                page_number: true,
                page_length: true,
                sort: true
              loader: true,
              status_bar: true,
              //grid_layout: true,
              grid_layout: {
                  width: '23%',
              paging: {
                  target_id: 'paging',
                  results_per_page: ['Records: ', [10, 25, 50, 100]]
              auto_filter: {
                  delay: 5000 //milliseconds
              mark_active_columns: {
                  highlight_column: true
              highlight_keywords: true,
              no_results_message: true,
              col_2: 'none',
              col_3: 'none',
          name: 'advancedGrid',
           // For the purpose of this demo, ezEditTable dependency
           // is loaded from its own website which is not a CDN.
           // This dependency also requires a licence therefore
           // DO NOT import it in this way in your projects.
           filename: 'ezEditTable_min.js',
           vendor_path: 'ezEditTable/',
           //load_stylesheet: true,
           //stylesheet: 'ezEditTable/ezEditTable.css',
           // Once ezEditTable dependency is installed in your
           // project import it by pointing to a local path:
           // vendor_path: 'path/to/ezEditTable'

           // Below ezEditTable options for activating:
           // - row/cells selection
           // - cell inline edition
           editable: true,
           auto_save: true,
           selection: true,
           selection_model: "multiple",
           default_selection: "both",
           //editor_model: "cell",
           //form_submit_interval: 999,
           cell_editors: [
             { type: 'none' },
             { type: 'none' },
             { type: 'none' },
             { type: 'none' },
             { type: 'none' },
             { type: 'none' },
             { type: 'none' },
             { type: 'none' },
             { type: 'select', style:'width:70px;', custom_slc_options:['FP', 'TP', 'NA'] }
           ] ,