koalyptus / TableFilter

A Javascript library making HTML tables filterable and a bit more :)
MIT License
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Option to clear sort with Clear filters button #791

Open Jagerone opened 3 years ago

Jagerone commented 3 years ago

So far I found all solutions to my challenges with tablefilter (great work, thank you for it!), but one... How to reset sort of a column. If you have state set to sort and sort is then saved even when you refresh site (which I wanted), how to revert to original (unsorted) table.

Is it possible to reset (nullify) sort when clicking Clear filters button?

And yes, I know I can add additional column to table with rowid and sort by it to display original order and I am doing that, but question is how to avoid that.

koalyptus commented 3 years ago

Hi @Jagerone, At the moment, it is not possible to revert to original "unsorted" state. Indeed you need to go with a custom implementation. Cheers