koalyptus / TableFilter

A Javascript library making HTML tables filterable and a bit more :)
MIT License
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Default filter type for all columns #816

Open juamar opened 3 years ago

juamar commented 3 years ago

Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to set default filter types, for example, to checkbox. I will like in a table filters to be checkbox. Right now, as the default is input, i have to set all columns "manually" to checkbox.

thanks in advance.

netniV commented 2 years ago


I was coming to create an issue myself for this, but it would appear you've beaten me to it. The above line of code represents the point of change, though it would need a settings change in order to handle it.

I would create a PR for this myself but I'm tied up on other coding projects right now, maybe you could give it a go @juamar ?