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Up-to-date kernel sources #103

Open tux-linux opened 3 years ago

tux-linux commented 3 years ago

Hi, So it's very nice to have the kernel sources for the factory firmwares that came with the devices, but sometimes it's silently updated and re-built with a newer version, or a change in the config file. Some devices with the current firmware will break if a self-built kernel from the official sources is flashed to the MMC. So my request is: could you, please, bring up the (current) sources for each device in the hw/ folder (along with the original ones), so that we'd have access to the latest changes or additions for each kernel version?


gtalusan commented 3 years ago

Hmm got a specific example?

tux-linux commented 3 years ago

The Glo HD will fail to run newer firmwares if a self-built kernel from the original sources is flashed in the MMC. Also, I've seen reports that the Aura and Forma don't play well with that either.

gtalusan commented 3 years ago

Hmm can you show me the uname -a on your kernel?

tux-linux commented 3 years ago

I can't right right now, but when upgrading to the latest firmware, it bumps from the 2015 one to a 2016 compiled one. I'll post the output soon, if that's required, maybe today or tomorrow

tux-linux commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the update @gtalusan . I'll try again for my Glo HD running the latest firmware and see if the issue was my computer or the kernel sources. I know that other people had issues with the Aura and Forma, so maybe they'll comment there to explain the problem. thanks again for the quick reply

pgaskin commented 3 years ago

AFAIK, there hasn't been any kernel updates for the Glo HD.

tux-linux commented 3 years ago

Sure? Upgrading from 3.14 to 4.26 definitely bumps the build date from 2015 to 2016. Maybe they didn't upgrade the kernel, but changed something in the menuconfig/.config. Anyways, I've got the original source locally, maybe I'll do a diff to see what changed.

pgaskin commented 3 years ago

Upgrading from 3.14 to 4.26

Oh, I didn't check that far back.

NiLuJe commented 3 years ago

I'm pretty sure I can vouch for the Forma kernel being outdated, FWIW. (Meaning I remember both the build date and the revision having changed. Knowing whether those changes are meaningful is kind of the point of the whole thing ;).).

uname: Linux kobo 4.1.15-00286-g2a6a4cb08c66 #80 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 27 17:09:34 CST 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux /proc/version: Linux version 4.1.15-00286-g2a6a4cb08c66 (gallen@gallen-M51AC) (gcc version 5.3.0 (GCC) ) #80 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 27 17:09:34 CST 2019

~~I'm pretty sure the H2O one isn't completely up-to-date, either, but it's been a while, so I may have lost track ^^. Linux kobo #3032 PREEMPT Mon Jan 9 13:37:40 CST 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux Linux version (gallen@gallen-M51AC) (gcc version 4.4.4 (4.4.4_09.06.2010) ) #3032 PREEMPT Mon Jan 9 13:37:40 CST 2017~~

EDIT: Nope, localversion appears up-to-date for the H2O ;). Can't find one for the Forma to double-check.

This is a completely non-exhaustive list (as in, those are the only devices I have access to ^^).

tux-linux commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the new updates for the Forma and Nia @gtalusan! The Aura (N514, imx507) would be in a serious need of updating too; haven't tried building a kernel for it yet, but the build date is quite recent:

root@kobo /# uname -a
Linux kobo #2049 PREEMPT Mon Jan 9 13:33:11 CST 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux


root@kobo /root# cat /proc/version
Linux version (gallen@gallen-M51AC) (gcc version 4.4.4 (4.4.4_09.06.2010) ) #2049 PREEMPT Mon Jan 9 13:33:11 CST 2017
NiLuJe commented 3 years ago

Ditto ;).

But looking at the dates and the Aura diff makes me think that the H2O may very well not be completely up to date after all ^^.

Linux kobo #3032 PREEMPT Mon Jan 9 13:37:40 CST 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux Linux version (gallen@gallen-M51AC) (gcc version 4.4.4 (4.4.4_09.06.2010) ) #3032 PREEMPT Mon Jan 9 13:37:40 CST 2017

inklesspen commented 3 years ago

My Kobo Clara HD is running firmware 4.26.16704 which provides Linux version 4.1.15-00089-ga2737fc02713 (gallen@gallen-M51AC) (gcc version 5.3.0 (GCC) ) #34 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 27 17:47:13 CST 2019.

However, the Clara kernel sources in this repo were added Sep 11, 2018. On Dec 13, 2018, the firmware version 4.12.12111 came out, which provides Linux version 4.1.15-00084-gcd0d3a4 (gallen@gallen-M51AC) (gcc version 5.3.0 (GCC) ) #29 SMP PREEMPT Wed Nov 21 11:31:06 CST 2018.

Can you update the Clara kernel sources, please?

inklesspen commented 3 years ago

It seems the latest Clara kernel source package may have spent some time unpacked on a case-insensitive filesystem; the kernel sometimes has two different files whose names differ only in case, such as include/uapi/linux/netfilter/xt_CONNMARK.h and include/uapi/linux/netfilter/xt_connmark.h, and when I unpack the kernel.tar.bz2 (on a case-sensitive filesystem) only one of the files is present.

This makes it impossible to actually build the kernel (or, more importantly, prepare the linux headers for something that needs to build against a kernel interface).

Can you please look into this?

tux-linux commented 3 years ago

Hello again, wanted to compile a kernel for my Libra today but it seems that the sources are behind the build date (Sep 17, 2019 vs. Apr 6, 2020). An update would be appreciated, thanks!

Linux version 4.1.15-00416-gfc725f43860b (gallen@gallen-M51AC) (gcc version 5.3.0 (GCC) ) #99 SMP PREEMPT Mon Apr 6 14:55:22 CST 2020
tux-linux commented 6 months ago


My Libra 2 is a revision F according to ntx_hwconfig and its board ID (37NB-E70K1M+6F0). In the U-Boot boot log, the BD71828 regulator is initialized:

BD71828 RESETSRC [0x3]=0x4
BD71828 KEYSTATUS [0xe2]=0x80
BD71828 BOOTSRC [0x2]=0x82
COLD reset from SWRESET, do nothing
BD71828 read battery capacity 099, 1680,1545

However, I cannot find any occurences of bd71828 in the currently provided U-Boot source. It even seems it's initializing another one (rc5t619) that is probably to be found on older revisions. I would very much appreciate if you could publish the source code of U-Boot for this revision, as well as the kernel's if it differs in any way from the original. If there were any other impactful changes with other revisions in the process, I would very much appreciate that you publish separate bootloader and kernel tarballs so that we can build the right one for each device. Thanks a lot!

tux-linux commented 5 months ago

@donaldwongrakuten any news about this ? Thanks a lot