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Marking words with diacritics in sideloaded epubs #129

Open alex12500 opened 10 months ago

alex12500 commented 10 months ago

In sideloaded epubs, words that contain letters with diacritics, e.g. sanskrit or pali words used in an English epub cannot be marked easily. When touching a word to select it (e.g. for dictionary lookup in sideloaded sanskrit or pali custom dictionary), the word it is split in two words at the letter that has the diacritic. Here is a free ebook that can be used to check this: https://www.dhammatalks.org/ebook_index.html#/Archive/Writings/Ebooks/KeepingtheBreathinMind_181215.epub Try for example the word samādhi on page 9, it will mark only samā. Of course one can use the slider to mark the full word but this is not how it should be. It works perfectly fine in kepubs.