kobolabs / Kobo-Reader

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Missing file OEBPS/https:/www.example.com/audio/ch01.mp4.: java.lang.RuntimeException #89

Open Sombrero51 opened 4 years ago

Sombrero51 commented 4 years ago

For Kobo Reader a video and audio file external to an EPUB e-book is an error. But external resources are included in the EPUB 3.2 specifications: https://www.w3.org/publishing/epub32/epub-spec.html#sec-resource-locations

pgaskin commented 4 years ago

This isn't a requirement for reading systems:

It SHOULD support remote resources, as defined in Resource Locations.

And, it shouldn't be relied on if possible either:

Authors are encouraged to locate audio, video and script resources inside the EPUB Container whenever feasible to allow users access to the entire presentation regardless of connectivity status.

But either way, Kobo eInk devices don't support A/V content in the first place:

Windows does not currently support embedded audio and video. Kobo eInk devices and the desktop app do not support embedded audio and video either but will display any content included as a fallback using the switch element display instead. NOTE: This functionality has been deprecated in EPUB3.2.

Sombrero51 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your clarification. Now I understand more on this question.