kobotoolbox / kobo-install

A command-line installer for setting up and running KoboToolbox on a remote server or local computer, using kobo-docker.
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How to test front-end changes? #8

Open jnm opened 5 years ago

jnm commented 5 years ago

I would like to test front-end changes to KPI code, e.g. while reviewing PRs. I do not want to use npm run watch, because no production build uses this. I would prefer not to have to rebuild and recreate all containers each time I change something in KPI, because this is slow (in excess of 3.5 minutes on my machine).

Here's what I tried, to no avail:

  1. Cloned fresh copies of the KPI and KoBoCAT repositories;
  2. Cloned a fresh kobo-install;
  3. Set up my environment with run.py, instructing it to use developer mode and giving it the paths to the KPI and KoBoCAT source directories I'd just cloned;
  4. Waited for everything to start up and verified that it worked;
  5. Made a single change to an ES6 file in KPI;
  6. Ran run.py --build-kpi;
  7. Checked to see if my changes were visible in the browser or had made it into the compiled static files (they hadn't);
  8. After that completed, ran run.py again, which recreated all containers;
  9. Checked again for my changes in the browser and in the static files: they had not taken effect.

:question: Am I doing something wrong, or am I trying to do something we haven't made possible yet?

Here is the (very long) transcript of my shell session:

Starting fresh and cloning the source repositories:

john@scrappy:/tmp/kit$ sudo find -delete
john@scrappy:/tmp/kit$ git clone git@github.com:kobotoolbox/kpi
Cloning into 'kpi'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1/1), done.
remote: Total 35185 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 35184
Receiving objects: 100% (35185/35185), 11.94 MiB | 7.96 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (26851/26851), done.
john@scrappy:/tmp/kit$ git clone git@github.com:kobotoolbox/kobocat
Cloning into 'kobocat'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 216, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (216/216), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (102/102), done.
remote: Total 55268 (delta 132), reused 164 (delta 114), pack-reused 55052
Receiving objects: 100% (55268/55268), 23.14 MiB | 7.35 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (39126/39126), done.

Cloning and running kobo-install:

john@scrappy:/tmp/kit$ git clone git@github.com:kobotoolbox/kobo-install
Cloning into 'kobo-install'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 36, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (36/36), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (25/25), done.
remote: Total 549 (delta 19), reused 25 (delta 11), pack-reused 513
Receiving objects: 100% (549/549), 129.61 KiB | 3.50 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (364/364), done.
john@scrappy:/tmp/kit$ cd kobo-install/
john@scrappy:/tmp/kit/kobo-install$ python run.py
║ Welcome to `kobo-install`!                                    ║
║                                                               ║
║ You are going to be asked some questions that will            ║
║ determine how to build the configuration of `KoBoToolBox`.    ║
║                                                               ║
║ Some questions already have default values (within brackets). ║
║ Just press `enter` to accept the default value or enter `-`   ║
║ to remove previously entered value.                           ║
║ Otherwise choose between choices or type your answer.         ║
Where do you want to install?
Do you want to see advanced options?
    1) Yes
    2) No
[2]: 1
What kind of installation do you need?
    1) On your workstation
    2) On a server
[2]: 1
Please choose which network interface you want to use?
    other) Other
[wlan0]: other
[wlan0]: docker0
SMTP server: 
SMTP port [25]: 
SMTP user: 
From email address [support@kobo.local]: 
Super user's username [super_admin]: super
Super user's password [hdshIONMPviP]: duper
Docker Compose prefix? (leave empty for default): 
Web server port?
Developer mode?
    1) Yes
    2) No
[2]: 1
║ Where are the files located locally? It can be absolute   ║
║ or relative to the directory of the installation.         ║
║ Leave empty if you don't need to overload the repository. ║
KoBoCat files location: /tmp/kit/kobocat
KPI files location: /tmp/kit/kpi
Enable DEBUG?
    1) True
    2) False
[2]: 1
Postgres database [kobotoolbox]: 
Postgres user [kobo]: 
Postgres password [YJnEdBFnm5]: 
Do you want to tweak PostgreSQL settings?
    1) Yes
    2) No
Do you want to customize service ports?
    1) Yes
    2) No
Do you want to use AWS S3 storage?
    1) Yes
    2) No
Google Analytics Identifier: 
Google API Key: 
Intercom App ID: 
Do you want to use Sentry?
    1) Yes
    2) No
Do you want to tweak uWSGI settings?
    1) Yes
    2) No
Do you want to activate backups?
    1) Yes
    2) No
Cloning into '/tmp/kit/kobo-docker'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 2546, done.
remote: Total 2546 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 2546
Receiving objects: 100% (2546/2546), 1.84 MiB | 6.38 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1580/1580), done.
Switched to a new branch 'kobo-install'
From https://github.com/kobotoolbox/kobo-docker
 * branch            kobo-install -> FETCH_HEAD
║ Administrative privileges are required to update your /etc/hosts. ║
Do you want to review your /etc/hosts file before overwriting it?
    1) Yes
    2) No
Stopping kobo-docker_redis_cache_1 ... done
Stopping kobo-docker_redis_main_1  ... done
Stopping kobo-docker_rabbit_1      ... done
Stopping kobo-docker_mongo_1       ... done
Removing kobo-docker_redis_cache_1 ... done
Removing kobo-docker_redis_main_1  ... done
Removing kobo-docker_postgres_1    ... done
Removing kobo-docker_rabbit_1      ... done
Removing kobo-docker_mongo_1       ... done
Removing network kobo-docker_default
Removing network kobo-docker_kobo-fe-network
WARNING: Network kobo-docker_kobo-fe-network not found.
Launching environment
Creating network "kobo-docker_default" with the default driver
Creating kobo-docker_mongo_1       ... done
Creating kobo-docker_redis_cache_1 ... done
Creating kobo-docker_postgres_1    ... done
Creating kobo-docker_rabbit_1      ... done
Creating kobo-docker_redis_main_1  ... done
Creating network "kobo-docker_kobo-fe-network" with driver "bridge"
WARNING: Found orphan containers (kobo-docker_postgres_1, kobo-docker_rabbit_1, kobo-docker_redis_main_1, kobo-docker_redis_cache_1, kobo-docker_mongo_1) for this project. If you removed or renamed this service in your compose file, you can run this command with the --remove-orphans flag to clean it up.
Pulling nginx (kobotoolbox/nginx:latest)...
Building kobocat
WARNING: Image for service kobocat was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`.
Pulling enketo_express (kobotoolbox/enketo-express-extra-widgets:1.72.2)...
Building kpi
WARNING: Image for service kpi was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`.
Creating kobo-docker_nginx_1          ... done
Creating kobo-docker_kpi_1            ... done
Creating kobo-docker_kobocat_1        ... done
Creating kobo-docker_enketo_express_1 ... done
Waiting for environment to be ready. It can take a few minutes.
`KoBoToolbox` has not started yet, wait for another 600 minutes!
║ Ready                      ║
║ URL: http://kf.kobo.local/ ║
║ User: super                ║
║ Password: duper            ║

Looking for the string creating your first project, which I will later change:

john@scrappy:/tmp/kit/kobo-install$ cd ../kobo-docker/
john@scrappy:/tmp/kit/kobo-docker$ grep -lFR 'creating your first project' .
grep: ./log/postgres/postgresql-2019-01-20_000000.log: Permission denied
grep: ./log/postgres/postgresql-2019-01-19_232518.log: Permission denied
grep: ./.vols/db: Permission denied

I make the following change to KPI, outside this shell:

diff --git a/jsapp/js/components/searchcollectionlist.es6 b/jsapp/js/components/searchcollectionlist.es6
index 965a251e..449bd3fd 100644
--- a/jsapp/js/components/searchcollectionlist.es6
+++ b/jsapp/js/components/searchcollectionlist.es6
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ class SearchCollectionList extends Reflux.Component {
                         return (
-                              {t('Let\'s get started by creating your first project. Click the New button to create a new form.')}
+                              {t('Let\'s get started by creating your first Martian. Click the New button to create a new form.')}
                               <div className='pro-tip'>
                               {t('Advanced users: You also drag and drop XLSForms here and they will be uploaded and converted to projects.')}

Rebuilding KPI and seeing if the change made it through:

john@scrappy:/tmp/kit/kobo-docker$ cd -
john@scrappy:/tmp/kit/kobo-install$ python run.py --build-kpi
Building kpi
john@scrappy:/tmp/kit/kobo-install$ cd -
john@scrappy:/tmp/kit/kobo-docker$ grep -lFR 'creating your first Martian' .
grep: ./log/postgres/postgresql-2019-01-20_000000.log: Permission denied
grep: ./log/postgres/postgresql-2019-01-19_232518.log: Permission denied
grep: ./.vols/db: Permission denied

Since no results were found after rebuilding KPI, I'm now using run.py with no arguments to recreate all containers:

john@scrappy:/tmp/kit/kobo-docker$ cd -
john@scrappy:/tmp/kit/kobo-install$ time python run.py
Stopping kobo-docker_postgres_1    ... done
Stopping kobo-docker_rabbit_1      ... done
Stopping kobo-docker_redis_main_1  ... done
Stopping kobo-docker_redis_cache_1 ... done
Stopping kobo-docker_mongo_1       ... done
WARNING: Found orphan containers (kobo-docker_kobocat_1, kobo-docker_kpi_1, kobo-docker_nginx_1, kobo-docker_enketo_express_1) for this project. If you removed or renamed this service in your compose file, you can run this command with the --remove-orphans flag to clean it up.
Removing kobo-docker_postgres_1    ... done
Removing kobo-docker_rabbit_1      ... done
Removing kobo-docker_redis_main_1  ... done
Removing kobo-docker_redis_cache_1 ... done
Removing kobo-docker_mongo_1       ... done
Removing network kobo-docker_default
Stopping kobo-docker_kobocat_1        ... done
Stopping kobo-docker_kpi_1            ... done
Stopping kobo-docker_nginx_1          ... done
Stopping kobo-docker_enketo_express_1 ... done
Removing kobo-docker_kobocat_1        ... done
Removing kobo-docker_kpi_1            ... done
Removing kobo-docker_nginx_1          ... done
Removing kobo-docker_enketo_express_1 ... done
Removing network kobo-docker_kobo-fe-network
Launching environment
Creating network "kobo-docker_default" with the default driver
Creating kobo-docker_redis_cache_1 ... done
Creating kobo-docker_postgres_1    ... done
Creating kobo-docker_mongo_1       ... done
Creating kobo-docker_rabbit_1      ... done
Creating kobo-docker_redis_main_1  ... done
Creating network "kobo-docker_kobo-fe-network" with driver "bridge"
WARNING: Found orphan containers (kobo-docker_postgres_1, kobo-docker_redis_main_1, kobo-docker_rabbit_1, kobo-docker_mongo_1, kobo-docker_redis_cache_1) for this project. If you removed or renamed this service in your compose file, you can run this command with the --remove-orphans flag to clean it up.
Creating kobo-docker_nginx_1          ... done
Creating kobo-docker_enketo_express_1 ... done
Creating kobo-docker_kpi_1            ... done
Creating kobo-docker_kobocat_1        ... done
Waiting for environment to be ready. It can take a few minutes.
║ Ready                      ║
║ URL: http://kf.kobo.local/ ║
║ User: super                ║
║ Password: duper            ║

real    3m33.192s
user    0m2.287s
sys 0m0.376s

Now looking again for my modification in the compiled static files:

john@scrappy:/tmp/kit/kobo-install$ cd -
john@scrappy:/tmp/kit/kobo-docker$ grep -lFR 'creating your first Martian' .
grep: ./log/postgres/postgresql-2019-01-20_000000.log: Permission denied
grep: ./log/postgres/postgresql-2019-01-20_024825.log: Permission denied
grep: ./log/postgres/postgresql-2019-01-19_232518.log: Permission denied
grep: ./.vols/db: Permission denied

Since there are still no results, here's a sanity check in the source directory:

john@scrappy:/tmp/kit/kobo-docker$ cd ../kpi
john@scrappy:/tmp/kit/kpi$ grep -lFR 'creating your first Martian' .
grep: ./jsapp/fonts: No such file or directory
grep: ./jsapp/compiled: No such file or directory
grep: ./node_modules: No such file or directory

In case it's helpful: run.conf (formatted).zip

jnm commented 4 years ago

Here's what I've been doing:

kpi$ cat static_shock.sh 
rm -fr staticfiles
npm run copy-fonts &&
npm run build &&
./manage.py collectstatic --noinput &&
rsync -aq --delete --chown=www-data "${KPI_SRC_DIR}/staticfiles/" "${NGINX_STATIC_DIR}/"

I run that script inside the kpi container and regenerates the static files.

jnm commented 3 years ago

update: make sure you restart uWSGI after this (or just restart the whole kpi container). also, purge jsapp/compiled before rebuilding as stale app-*.js bundles can hide out there as well.

rm -fr staticfiles
rm -fr jsapp/compiled
npm run copy-fonts &&
npm run build &&
./manage.py collectstatic --noinput &&
rsync -aq --delete --chown=www-data "${KPI_SRC_DIR}/staticfiles/" "${NGINX_STATIC_DIR}/"
jnm commented 3 years ago

here's a script that takes advantage of the up-to-date files in the most recently built Docker image instead of calling npm run build again. see the echo text inside the script for a more detailed explanation.

(moved to gist)

noliveleger commented 3 years ago

@jnm what about calling your script in the --build commands?

jnm commented 3 years ago

Sounds good!