kobotoolbox / kpi

kpi is the (frontend) server for KoboToolbox. It includes an API for users to access data and manage their forms, question library, sharing settings, create reports, and export data.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add route for viewing specific submission #3312

Open jnm opened 3 years ago

jnm commented 3 years ago


Currently, when you click the eyeball icon in the table view—which opens an individual submission in a modal—the URL in the browser's address bar does not change. There's correspondingly no way to send someone a link to view a specific submission. We should add a new route so that navigating to https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/#/forms/abcxyz/data/table/123456 does the same thing as going to the table view for form abcxyz and clicking the eyeball for submission 123456.

Internal discussion: https://chat.kobotoolbox.org/#narrow/stream/4-KoBo-Dev/topic/Route.20to.20specific.20submission Forum request: https://community.kobotoolbox.org/t/contemplating-the-future-of-kobocat/2743/17?u=jnm

Additional details

There is a bug in Single Submission modal that makes sense to be fixed while working on this: https://github.com/kobotoolbox/kpi/issues/3373

nanometrenat commented 1 year ago

xref forum link: https://community.kobotoolbox.org/t/ability-to-view-completed-submissions-in-enketo-and-ideally-pdf-them/15457 Thank you!