kochedykov / jlibmodbus

JLibModbus - is an implementation of the Modbus protocol v1.1b in java language. Java modbus library. It works. Welcome.
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When you set the Modbus.LogLevel.LEVEL_RELEASE value, The message could not be received in frameReceivedEvent. #67

Open cattodie opened 3 years ago

cattodie commented 3 years ago

I used and wrote a modbus java program in jlibmodbus- and it works fine. Also, it uses FrameEventListener to receive events. The code is as follows:

try {
        TcpParameters tcpParameters = new TcpParameters();


        ModbusMaster master = ModbusMasterFactory.createModbusMasterTCP(tcpParameters);

        FrameEventListener listenerModbus = new FrameEventListener() {
            public void frameSentEvent(FrameEvent event) {
                System.out.println("frame sent " + DataUtils.toAscii(event.getBytes()));

            public void frameReceivedEvent(FrameEvent event) {
                System.out.println("frame recv " + DataUtils.toAscii(event.getBytes()) + ", len = " + event.getBytes().length);
                System.out.println("len = " + event.getBytes().length);

                ModbusHoldingRegisters registers = new ModbusHoldingRegisters();

                int index = 0;
                byte [] buff = event.getBytes();

                JSONObject pubMsg =  new JSONObject();
                pubMsg.put("devInfo", threadName );
                pubMsg.put("pdu", DataUtils.toAscii(buff));
                async_pub.publish(t_channels[1], pubMsg.toJSONString());

                pubMsg =  new JSONObject(); 
                pubMsg.put("devInfo", threadName );

                int tid = DataUtils.BeToIntArray(buff)[index];
                System.out.println(String.format("TID 2byte= 0x%04X", tid));
                index += 2;

                int pid = DataUtils.BeToIntArray(buff)[index/2];
                System.out.println(String.format("PID 2byte= 0, ==> 0x%04X", pid));
                index += 2;

                int len = DataUtils.BeToIntArray(buff)[index/2];
                System.out.println(String.format("Length 2byte = 0x%04X, %d", len, len));
                index += 2;

                int uid = (int)buff[index];
                System.out.println(String.format("UID = 0x%02X", uid));
                pubMsg.put("uid", uid); 
                index += 1;

                int func = (int)buff[index];
                System.out.println(String.format("Func 1byte= 0x%02X", func));
                pubMsg.put("func", func); 
                index += 1;

                switch(func) {                  
                    case 0x03:  // read holding : Bytecount 1, reg 2n
                        int bytecount = (int)buff[index];
                        System.out.println(String.format("bytecount 1byte = 0x%02X, %d", bytecount, bytecount));
                        pubMsg.put("bytecount", bytecount); 
                        index += 1;

                        byte [] byteArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(event.getBytes(), index, event.getBytes().length);
                        pubMsg.put("values", DataUtils.toAscii(byteArray));

                    case 0x04 : // read input : Bytecount 1, reg 2n
                        int bytecount = (int)buff[index];
                        System.out.println(String.format("bytecount 1byte = 0x%02X, %d", bytecount, bytecount));
                        pubMsg.put("bytecount", bytecount); 
                        index += 1;

                        byte [] byteArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(event.getBytes(), index, event.getBytes().length);
                        pubMsg.put("values", DataUtils.toAscii(byteArray));

                    case 0x06 : // write single : RegisterAddress 2 , Register Value 2
                        int regAddr = DataUtils.BeToIntArray(buff)[index/2];
                        System.out.println(String.format("regAddr 1byte = 0x%02X, %d", regAddr, regAddr));
                        pubMsg.put("regAddr", regAddr); 
                        index += 2;

                        byte [] byteArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(event.getBytes(), index, event.getBytes().length);
                        pubMsg.put("value", DataUtils.toAscii(byteArray));

                    case 0x10 : // write Multi : StartAddr 2 , Quantity of Outputs 2
                        int startAddr = DataUtils.BeToIntArray(buff)[index/2];
                        System.out.println(String.format("regAddr 1byte = 0x%02X, %d", startAddr, startAddr));
                        pubMsg.put("startAddr", startAddr); 
                        index += 2;

                        int quantity = DataUtils.BeToIntArray(buff)[index/2];
                        pubMsg.put("quantity", quantity);


                    default : 
                        System.out.println("Not Support Modbus Function : " + func);


                async_pub.publish(t_channels[0], DataUtils.toAscii(byteArray)); // Redis pub


        if (!master.isConnected()) {
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
    } catch (ModbusIOException e) {

Lettuce library is used for communication between modules using Redis' pub/sub function.

When setting the value of Modbus.LogLevel.LEVEL_RELEASE for distribution, The message cannot be received in frameReceivedEvent(FrameEvent event), There is also no output from System.out.println().

However, there is no problem at all when it is set to Modbus.LogLevel.LEVEL_DEBUG/LEVEL_VERBOSE/LEVEL_WARNINGS.

How to solve this issue?