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Reforestation page #33

Open yangwao opened 2 years ago

yangwao commented 2 years ago

Would be super nice to describe all the things we can have in terms of reforestation, what's been done in co-op with RMTerra and potential ways to bring utility through ownership &c you name it creativity, even if you're wild enough to bring it for public good framing and funding through augmented bonding curve or quadratic reforestation 😄

I can fairly expand on this stuff

Also feel free drop plans on KodaForest/GretaForest, happy to cherry 🍒 pick best piecies

📟 Pedro


lightsonemusic commented 2 years ago


*1 GretaForest Develop NFTrees collections on forest issues,helping Greta movements, uniting eco designers worlwide to fight against Forest poluters, we can represent some of the world hight polluters and create a ranking chart to get to know them.

A certain % of each NFTree go to artists envolved (Kodaforest Artist open call) and also directly to :https://fridaysforfuture.org/europebeyondburning/ (exemple). For a specific campaign time, each friday, a NFTree is minted.

*2 Kodaforest Fest (1ºEdition) (May/June 2023)

Three day festival on Sustainability & Tech in centre Portugal.

The festival is based on three fundamental axes of action:

-We can sell tickets inside our E-Trees.

yangwao commented 2 years ago

We just had a catchup call with @lightsonemusic and we will go with GretaForest branding. So we will have dedicated Twitter and @lightsonemusic will be in charge of this green experiment. @DeluneClaire can be handsome with here :)

Further, it would help us drive Quadratic Funding for reforestation use-case as KodaDot flagship :)

Looking forward to having a partnership for GretaForest further and looking for the KodaForest festival in May 2023! :)

Once things, like text, is prepared, @thea-exe can put it up on the page, preferred would be for easy linking, like https://docs.kodadot.xyz/reforestation.html OR https://docs.kodadot.xyz/gretaforest.html :)

lightsonemusic commented 2 years ago

Super nice talk Let's grow <3 !!! I'm doing the first contacts and partnerships with Greta Movements in order to give NFT % or funding for their events. We need also to Design a logo and banner for GretaForest though.

SDFUTURO commented 2 years ago

I can help with the logo creation, more focused on the lettering (I don't master 3D)

lightsonemusic commented 2 years ago

By the way here is the Logo and banner made by community for Kodaforest banner Kodaforest

lightsonemusic commented 2 years ago

I can help with the logo creation, more focused on the lettering (I don't master 3D)

Just add you to the Kodaforest Discord Channel

thea-exe commented 2 years ago


lightsonemusic commented 2 years ago

We just had a catchup call with @lightsonemusic and we will go with GretaForest branding. So we will have dedicated Twitter and @lightsonemusic will be in charge of this green experiment. @DeluneClaire can be handsome with here :)

Further, it would help us drive Quadratic Funding for reforestation use-case as KodaDot flagship :)

Looking forward to having a partnership for GretaForest further and looking for the KodaForest festival in May 2023! :)

Once things, like text, is prepared, @thea-exe can put it up on the page, preferred would be for easy linking, like https://docs.kodadot.xyz/reforestation.html OR https://docs.kodadot.xyz/gretaforest.html :)

Kodaforest Twitter Page - DONE https://twitter.com/Kodaforest_

thea-exe commented 2 years ago

I'll be making a draft of the page right now based on everything you've described @lightsonemusic , will ping you to get more feedback and I'll continue to update it as we progress :)

lightsonemusic commented 2 years ago

,can we start to do the open call for eco artists to design the NFTs to Greta forest brand @yangwao , plus let's define a percentage for each or Kodadot can give a tip for the artists envolved?

lightsonemusic commented 2 years ago

Plus in order to start organizing the festival I will need a budget to start , I'm making now the inicial costs and as it will be the first one I think make sense start from the ground and small steps in order to get bigger throw the years. So please also let me know if I can go forward with this @yangwao

lightsonemusic commented 2 years ago


lightsonemusic commented 1 year ago

@yangwao i need your tips here in order to develop this idea , can you ping us ? 1 GretaForest Develop NFTrees collections on forest issues,helping Greta movements, uniting eco designers worlwide to fight against Forest poluters, we can represent some of the world hight polluters and create a ranking chart to get to know them.

A certain % of each NFTree go to artists envolved (Kodaforest Artist open call) and also directly to :https://fridaysforfuture.org/europebeyondburning/ (exemple). For a specific campaign time, each friday, a NFTree is minted.

*2 Kodaforest Fest (1ºEdition) (May/June 2023)

Three day festival on Sustainability & Tech in centre Portugal.

The festival is based on three fundamental axes of action:

enhance the proximity between associations and other non-profit entities and the populations that are nearby; create, develop and deepen models of social relations guided by collaboration, cooperation and mutual help; participate in the creation of a sustainable, alternative and independent network, which gives rise to an integral and solidary community using a collaborative economy. Ewpower the use of Tech to support the comunities (Kodadot and RMTerra). -We can sell tickets inside our E-Trees.

The E-Trees can also have inside a weekend in a local accomodation near by the festival NFTree can have levels of participation as example: Level 1 (volunteer) - free ticket - will be helping the Organisation - (Welcoming NFTs) Level 2 (Participant) - Can sign for talks, performing, etc (NFtree Rare) Level 3 (Festival organiser) - Can take part of organisation and events (NFtree super rare) and so on........ The aim is to create a NFTree comunity Fest & retreat on each and every person is part of the festival.

@DeluneClaire how can we do Quadratic fund for this two topics Gitcoin ?

spacesmutje commented 1 year ago

Love the ideas so far! I think the ticket system is working quiet well like this, the "free" ones i know from other festivals like Fusion or Chaos Computer Camp are called Angeltickets and are really popular amongst the participants of those events.

The plan to bring all of it together in an event in Portugal to connect, exchange and grow the network of organisations in and around Portugal is going to give it lots of impact.

And NFTs are always a great idea, be it as Proof of participation/attendance or to bring benefits to the owners 🤩

The quadratic funding could combin both projects in 1: for example fund the KodaForest Fest as kick-off event to showcase all the things RMTerra and KodaForest are about and also present what has been achieved by using a certain percantage from the grant that has been used for reforestation (eventually with the help of NFTs). I never run a funding round, so this is maybe to plain and lacks a lot of necessary information 🤔

lightsonemusic commented 1 year ago

thank you @spacesmutje ! Yes tottally agreed ! So for the first step we can plan the quadratic fund. hi will love to add to each NFTikets one tree or more depending of the engagment as said before( level 1,2 or 3) it will be a way also to distribute and enhance more community for both, reforestation and Kodaforest on a win win "water flow" mechanism. So i'm good with ideias and production and i can set the priorities and links between elements, but even if i want now, im not good on Tech and i really need the community help to go further with this project .