kodadot / developers

Resources for developers about KodaDot open source tooling for NFTs
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Rich description of current implementation #74

Open yangwao opened 1 year ago

yangwao commented 1 year ago

Currently, we are missing a page where one can read what's under the hood of KodaDot in terms of various NFTs standards across Polkadot.

The goal of this page would be to highlight different implementations on various levels, starting from system.remark (RMRK), going through runtime level, like Basilisk NFT marketplace implementation (BSX&SNEK on Rococo), going higher to EVM implementation like MoonRiver & MoonBeam, continuing to Astar ink! WASM smart contracts and all of this in one simple interface under hood of KodaDot with other features coming to unpack like Reactive NFTs





Astar (RMRK) - under research

MoonRiver & MoonBeam (EVM)

Astar WASM - ink! smart contracts

Is anything significant we should mention from our major infrastructure components?

vikiival commented 1 year ago

Looks good to me

I would add uniquery too

yangwao commented 1 year ago

I would add uniquery too

always been 👀 image

vikiival commented 1 year ago

always been 👀