kodadot / grants

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NFT powered curated registries for social media TCR #13

Open dtbx opened 2 years ago

dtbx commented 2 years ago

I’ve got an idea of utilizing KodaDot mints for a TCR party bot as an onboarding mechanism:

By invitation only (hence curated) one needs to have their hyperrealistic pfp minted on KodaDot, follow the MetaCRParty bot and tweet verifying their address holds a minted NFT that was minted by an existing member of the registry.

Members can also send spammer NFT to someone and tweet to ask to get them delisted, these accused party can challenge it by proof of wholesomeness NFTs minted their way by more existing members during a challenge period.

Limit the list to 250 initially, later can open 2nd tier list with 1000 ppl

dtbx commented 2 years ago

For reference, this is the GitHub repo by @stevenleeg that did the original TCR party twitter bot: https://github.com/alpineintel/tcrpartybot

By https://github.com/stevenleeg

yangwao commented 2 years ago

Just read the how tcr works with all the stuff. I bet we should simplify this stuff to get traction to get stuff going for what we need to, maybe integration with portcullis and passport would be neat idea, let's see what we can hack on