kodadot / nft-gallery

Generative Art Marketplace
MIT License
595 stars 346 forks source link

No generative tag for aurora drop #10177

Closed exezbcz closed 2 weeks ago

exezbcz commented 2 weeks ago

image https://canary.kodadot.xyz/ahp/gallery/120-2404157147

hassnian commented 2 weeks ago

animation_url is null that's why it doesn't have the generative tag

query ```` { "data": { "nftEntity": { "id": "120-2404157147", "metadata": "ipfs://bafkreifxfdb7erwygqsw5ofvlsppf4g6jt7u255kaq5kx4gwtzhkb26ee4", "issuer": "1cQB9WUTtwyH3H4Ksn7pLfJvMLCxtzQHbUNhZtVBasoX3X9", "currentOwner": "1cQB9WUTtwyH3H4Ksn7pLfJvMLCxtzQHbUNhZtVBasoX3X9", "blockNumber": "6083153", "burned": false, "__typename": "NFTEntity", "name": "Aurora", "sn": "2404157147", "price": "0", "collection": { "id": "120", "name": "Aurora", "floorPrice": [ { "price": "9900000000", "__typename": "NFTEntity" } ], "__typename": "CollectionEntity" }, "events": [ { "interaction": "MINT", "timestamp": "2024-04-18T13:13:24.000000Z", "meta": "", "__typename": "Event" } ], "meta": { "id": "ipfs://bafkreifxfdb7erwygqsw5ofvlsppf4g6jt7u255kaq5kx4gwtzhkb26ee4", "name": "Aurora", "description": "Artist: [Cartist](https://twitter.com/cartist00) \n\n\n Aurora is an enchanting generative art piece created within a p5.js framework, designed to simulate a mesmerizing scene of raindrops cascading across the canvas. Each raindrop, unique in color, length, and thickness, mimics the diverse nature of rainfall, creating a visually stunning array. The artwork's appearance is intricately linked to a specific hash input, ensuring that each iteration is distinct. Aurora alternates between dark and light backgrounds, with each choice influencing a carefully selected color palette to enhance visual contrast and highlight the raindrops' beauty. This dynamic interplay of code and artistry generates a captivating visual experience, where technology and creativity converge to produce endlessly varied displays of natural beauty.", "image": "ipfs://bafybeihqjx6raosuyvqhkbglurrrteiinndhkq3imsa4cm5fdzub2v6rkq", "animation_url": null, "attributes": [], "__typename": "MetadataEntity" }, "royalty": null, "recipient": null } } } ````


    "name": "Aurora",
    "image": "ipfs://bafybeihqjx6raosuyvqhkbglurrrteiinndhkq3imsa4cm5fdzub2v6rkq",
    "description": "Artist: [Cartist](https://twitter.com/cartist00) \n\n\n Aurora is an enchanting generative art piece created within a p5.js framework, designed to simulate a mesmerizing scene of raindrops cascading across the canvas. Each raindrop, unique in color, length, and thickness, mimics the diverse nature of rainfall, creating a visually stunning array. The artwork's appearance is intricately linked to a specific hash input, ensuring that each iteration is distinct. Aurora alternates between dark and light backgrounds, with each choice influencing a carefully selected color palette to enhance visual contrast and highlight the raindrops' beauty. This dynamic interplay of code and artistry generates a captivating visual experience, where technology and creativity converge to produce endlessly varied displays of natural beauty.",
    "external_url": "kodadot.xyz",
    "type": "image/png"

metadata never got updated? @vikiival @preschian

preschian commented 2 weeks ago

metadata never got updated?

Yes, let me trigger that to update the metadata.

@exezbcz @hassnian, can we prevent users from closing the tab and modal after they click the "mint" button on the drops page? This approach did not cover 100% of the issue, but it can help to reduce the risk of metadata not being updated

preschian commented 2 weeks ago


Continue in https://github.com/kodadot/private-workers/issues/121#issuecomment-2088442621 to handle this issue