kodadot / nft-gallery

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Display success message after transaction is in block #10231

Closed exezbcz closed 1 week ago

exezbcz commented 3 weeks ago

Display success message after transaction is in block

with @vikiival we discussed that it should be possible (preview should be already ready to display in the modal"

Why it would be nice? Since the block time is quite long, and it takes ~30 seconds from signing to success, displaying the success message a bit earlier would decrease waiting times and make Polkadot feel a bit faster

Design and changes

image https://www.figma.com/file/JXNtryaNYhY0XJNArzvPQx/Handoff?type=design&node-id=6886-20058&mode=design&t=neRjoavRuafpIGjV-11

When it gets confirmed, it switches to the "confirmed status"

Victor0355 commented 3 weeks ago


hassnian commented 2 weeks ago

@Victor0355 are you working on this ?

hassnian commented 2 weeks ago

@preschian any way we can speed up this section,

section inside `useUpdateMetadata` ![CleanShot 2024-05-14 at 17 05 01@2x](https://github.com/kodadot/nft-gallery/assets/44554284/17838635-65bc-4cd5-ae0a-f64e9af11e91)

would like to show the success step before the transaction status moves to finalized

atm it's requiring the transaction to be finalized to get the index

preschian commented 2 weeks ago

Ooh, I think it would be good if we could speed this up. This section is used to call the update metadata endpoint.

The solution I’m considering now is to create a queue service. Move that section to this service and ensure that the retry queue works if the index is not found or any other error occurs.