kodadot / nft-gallery

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feat: Control return to confirm action #10306

Closed Jarsen136 closed 3 weeks ago

Jarsen136 commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your contribution to the Koda - Generative Art Marketplace.

👇 __ Let's make a quick check before the contribution.

PR Type

Needs Design check

Needs QA check


Did your issue had any of the "$" label on it?

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netlify[bot] commented 1 month ago

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prury commented 4 weeks ago

bug or a feature :)

probably we should only allow that shortcut if the transaction has not started CleanShot.2024-05-16.at.17.18.47.mp4

can useMagicKeys combinations give you a cleaner solution?

thank you very much for checking it @hassnian

Jarsen136 commented 4 weeks ago

bug or a feature :)

probably we should only allow that shortcut if the transaction has not started

can useMagicKeys combinations give you a cleaner solution?

Thank you! I have updated it.

prury commented 4 weeks ago

What should be the correct behavior? working only for confirmation buttons on modals or also for trying again when a transaction is cancelled/fails?

Transfer: doesn't work on confirmation button prob because it uses a different modal Teleport bridge: works on try again Drop: works on modal and on try again Create NFT/Collection: won't proceed to signing if you hit it once, i think it's a focus issue, doesn't work on try again Buy Now: works for signing but doesn't for try again Listing: works for signing but doesn't for try again

Jarsen136 commented 3 weeks ago

What should be the correct behavior? working only for confirmation buttons on modals or also for trying again when a transaction is cancelled/fails?

I prefer it only works for confirmation buttons on modal.

Transfer: doesn't work on confirmation button prob because it uses a different modal

Yup, it's a separate modal. However, I have also made the transfer confirm modal work with the shortcut. Now it should work as the others.

Teleport bridge: works on try again Drop: works on modal and on try again Create NFT/Collection: won't proceed to signing if you hit it once, i think it's a focus issue, doesn't work on try again Buy Now: works for signing but doesn't for try again Listing: works for signing but doesn't for try again

Only applying to the confirm button should be enough. I can't manage to go to the page with "try again" button after I cancel the transaction request. It keeps loading all the time. I would leave it to another follow-up issue if anyone else could reproduce it and fix it.

Kapture 2024-05-20 at 01 03 48

hassnian commented 3 weeks ago

modal animation is gone

this pr




codeclimate[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Code Climate has analyzed commit 806c6245 and detected 0 issues on this pull request.

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sonarcloud[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Quality Gate Passed Quality Gate passed

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prury commented 3 weeks ago

rechecking PR:

on transfer, modal is being shown behind the other modal:

modal being shown behind.webm

buy now and listing are good

Jarsen136 commented 3 weeks ago

@hassnian @prury Thanks for all the comments above. I will close this PR and leave it to the other one who has a better solution.