kodadot / nft-gallery

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Code Checker: Art is not consistent #10310

Open JustLuuuu opened 4 weeks ago

JustLuuuu commented 4 weeks ago

'Art Is not Consistent' Artist is using hash to seed from our template: randomSeed(seed) and he is still getting this error.

Code: hopa (1).zip

Where can the issue be? I cannot review his code as Im not sure what Im looking for. @daiagi I added you as you are behinf the code-checker :)

daiagi commented 4 weeks ago


  1. this does not happen (with this art at least) on Firefox - not much help, can't tell artists to use other browsers

  2. this is a problem that has been raised before with @vikiival , here. Base64 of visually same images, can be not same => failing the test.

as a one off solution - can reassure the artist that this artwork is consistent (i checked it many times, it's ok)

as a more robust solution i offer we add a check mark to toggle the more intensive , image to image comparison

the idea is

  1. pour both base64 onto canvases
  2. convert to grey scale
  3. compare pixel by pixel
  4. declare ok if diff is within acceptable margin (95% same for example)

this solution was previously implemented here

@vikiival waiting for your call on this

vikiival commented 4 weeks ago

Honestly think that it could be implemented by art https://github.com/vikiival/kodahash/issues/5

JustLuuuu commented 4 weeks ago

kodahash-main 10.zip another artist (Reza Milani) most likely has the same issue. Just fyi

daiagi commented 4 weeks ago

kodahash-main 10.zip another artist (Reza Milani) most likely has the same issue. Just fyi

Very Beautiful art

takes clearly longer then 3 seconds but it is consistent

JustLuuuu commented 3 weeks ago


How about this: is it consistent? It's showing that it's not, but idk. Loading time is more than 3 secs but this is okay as the art is endless animation.

Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 11 44 12


daiagi commented 3 weeks ago

After this


Gets merged, we will be able to fix the problem easily.

Until then, did you look at it? @JustLuuuu ?

If it looks consistent, then it is

vikiival commented 3 weeks ago

Gets merged,

It needs to be implemented by the artist anyway.

If it looks consistent, then it is

Have you tested the public.zip above ?

daiagi commented 3 weeks ago

Have you tested the public.zip above ?

it's consistent