kodadot / nft-gallery

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Update new version toast style #4015

Closed yangwao closed 1 month ago

yangwao commented 1 year ago

I guess this is the perfect opportunity to style a new update toast in the same neo-brutalism style. Now I've realized we don't have it in design and @exezbcz can sketch something! :)


alabo-excel commented 1 year ago

Hello I'll love to work on this issue kindly assign it to me

exezbcz commented 1 year ago

@alabo-excel Do you need the designs? I can make it by end of the week.

alabo-excel commented 1 year ago

Yes sure

On Wed, 12 Oct 2022 at 10:40 AM, Exez @.***> wrote:

@alabo-excel https://github.com/alabo-excel Do you need the designs? I can make it by end of the week.

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exezbcz commented 1 year ago

hey @alabo-excel , the design is in this Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/gHSzqGPeQ9qK4L0qIDcTjY/gallery-item-handoff?node-id=1270%3A5615, right next to search bar components. How the button works:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

prachi00 commented 1 year ago

@alabo-excel are you working on this one?

alabo-excel commented 1 year ago

Yes, I am!

On Wed, 19 Oct 2022 at 1:23 AM, Darshana Prachi @.***> wrote:

@alabo-excel https://github.com/alabo-excel are you working on this one?

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yangwao commented 1 year ago

hey @prachi00 if you can take it :) Seems @alabo-excel did not deliver for 9 days:)

prachi00 commented 1 year ago

hey @prachi00 if you can take it :) Seems @alabo-excel did not deliver for 9 days:)

sure I can take this one

kodabot commented 1 year ago

ASSIGNED - @prachi00 🔒 LOCKED -> Monday, October 31st 2022, 10:53:55 UTC -> 36 hours

prachi00 commented 1 year ago

@exezbcz do we have any notifications where we have button? As I only see this format without any buttons Screen Shot 2022-10-29 at 4 12 48 PM

prachi00 commented 1 year ago

Since we use https://buefy.org/documentation/notification so I think the best we can do here is change the colors, adding button probably would not be possible and we would need to remove buefy to make custom notis, which would require changes in a lot of files. Also, notifications have types like danger, info, success as you can see in buefy, are we going to use the same color for every case now? @exezbcz

exezbcz commented 1 year ago

@exezbcz do we have any notifications where we have button? As I only see this format without any buttons Screen Shot 2022-10-29 at 4 12 48 PM

aand, the cross for close isnt button?

exezbcz commented 1 year ago

Also, notifications have types like danger, info, success as you can see in buefy, are we going to use the same color for every case now?

I haven't yet created this type, but I will give it some thought and get back to you.

prachi00 commented 1 year ago

Also, notifications have types like danger, info, success as you can see in buefy, are we going to use the same color for every case now?

I haven't yet created this type, but I will give it some thought and get back to you.

okay can you just change the colours and font colours, because like I said since we use buefy, there isn't much customization we can do here

kodabot commented 1 year ago

ASSIGNMENT EXPIRED - @prachi00 has been unassigned.

exezbcz commented 1 year ago

Also, notifications have types like danger, info, success as you can see in buefy, are we going to use the same color for every case now?

I haven't yet created this type, but I will give it some thought and get back to you.

okay can you just change the colours and font colours, because like I said since we use buefy, there isn't much customization we can do here

Well then, I don't think that's worth it. The colors look great as they do right now.

prachi00 commented 1 year ago

Also, notifications have types like danger, info, success as you can see in buefy, are we going to use the same color for every case now?

I haven't yet created this type, but I will give it some thought and get back to you.

okay can you just change the colours and font colours, because like I said since we use buefy, there isn't much customization we can do here

Well then, I don't think that's worth it. The colors look great as they do right now.

@yangwao @roiLeo what do you think?

roiLeo commented 1 year ago

Also, notifications have types like danger, info, success as you can see in buefy, are we going to use the same color for every case now?

IMO this is related with #4121

We need notification system design, not necessarily the same colours since everything is customizable, but I'll keep:

okay can you just change the colours and font colours, because like I said since we use buefy, there isn't much customization we can do here

Well then, I don't think that's worth it. The colors look great as they do right now.

Since the "Update new version" is not really a notification but a uniq component I have no problem with a different design.

Remember that we can use different type of component:

prachi00 commented 1 year ago

but isnt this for all the notifications/snackbars we have? so how do we add a button there since we dont have it in buefy?

roiLeo commented 1 year ago

but isnt this for all the notifications/snackbars we have? so how do we add a button there since we dont have it in buefy?

This issue is refering to update "New version" toast, global notifications design can be done another time

prachi00 commented 1 year ago

but isnt this for all the notifications/snackbars we have? so how do we add a button there since we dont have it in buefy?

This issue is refering to update "New version" toast, global notifications design can be done another time

yeah but the new version thing is also a buefy notification currently right? I am not sure how do we add a custom component here

Screen Shot 2022-11-03 at 6 34 09 PM
roiLeo commented 1 year ago

you can still change the component (Dialog could be suitable) and adapt with custom css class

prachi00 commented 1 year ago

@roiLeo @yangwao One thing I don't understand about this is why we say 'close to upgrade', like isn't the user already upgraded? Its not like if they don't close, they wont upgrade?

Screen Shot 2022-11-06 at 9 07 44 PM
roiLeo commented 1 year ago

One thing I don't understand about this is why we say 'close to upgrade', like isn't the user already upgraded? Its not like if they don't close, they wont upgrade?

Yes, take a look at https://github.com/kodadot/nft-gallery/blob/8761903fe507029066a2a1967fbe92b0bba3031e/plugins/pwa.ts#L31-L33 there is a hook on close to clear/flush session storage for cache utility

prachi00 commented 1 year ago

yeah, I tried to do this with dialog as well, did not work well with css changes anyone else can feel free to take this one up :)

exezbcz commented 1 year ago

So, how about this one? Is it possible? 👀

yangwao commented 1 year ago

So having new notification toasts like descriped here

prachi00 commented 1 year ago

I can do this, but where are the new designs? I cant find on figma @yangwao @exezbcz

exezbcz commented 1 year ago

@prachi00 there are no new designs, only the old one - gallery item handoff figma https://www.figma.com/file/gHSzqGPeQ9qK4L0qIDcTjY/gallery-item-handoff?node-id=1270%3A5615&t=NyBM4JhPjCpIT8rf-1


I don't have new designs for all the toast notifications

yangwao commented 1 year ago

hey @prachi00 do you want to take this one? :)

prachi00 commented 1 year ago

hey @prachi00 do you want to take this one? :)

sure I'll try to get this done again

exezbcz commented 1 month ago

continue to