kodadot / nft-gallery

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Init unlockable items page #6137

Closed Jarsen136 closed 1 year ago

Jarsen136 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your contribution to the KodaDot - One Stop Shop for Polkadot NFTs.

πŸ‘‡ __ Let's make a quick check before the contribution.

PR Type


Had issue bounty label?

Copilot Summary

πŸ€– Generated by Copilot at cdbb2fb

This pull request adds a new feature to display unlockable collections on the NFT gallery. It introduces several new components, such as CollectionBanner.vue, CollectionInfo.vue, CountdownTimer.vue, and HeroButtons.vue, that show various aspects of a collection, such as its banner image, description, mint phase, and social media links. It also adds a new layout unlockable-mint-layout.vue and a new page unlockable-collection.vue that use these components and set the SEO meta tags and canonical link for the page. The changes use GraphQL, Nuxt2Meta, KeenSlider, Brick, and other libraries to implement the functionality and design of the feature.

πŸ€– Generated by Copilot at cdbb2fb

unlockable page new components and layout spring of minting joy

netlify[bot] commented 1 year ago

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kodabot commented 1 year ago

WARNING @Jarsen136 PR for issue #6117 which isn't assigned to you. Please be warned that this PR may get rejected if there's another assignee for issue #6117

vikiival commented 1 year ago

for testing image please use this one

vikiival commented 1 year ago

window for 10 waifus from each phase

So apparently there should be 10 waifus

yangwao commented 1 year ago

Amazing, we can flex mobile in following issue.

@vikiival can prepare some testing minting for data and Luu can give feedback and go through, we have still two days before running for UTXO and testing it there :)

vikiival commented 1 year ago

@Jarsen136 so url to obtain waifu images is

Jarsen136 commented 1 year ago

@Jarsen136 so url to obtain waifu images is



Then I wonder where can I fetch the details data for this part. Or the data on this page is all static?

vikiival commented 1 year ago

for testing you can use this collection https://canary.kodadot.xyz/stmn/collection/6?collectionId=6

total is collection.nftCount / (colllection.max || Infinity)

Other is just plain typescript (checking the current time)

Regarding to available for mint (I would check the query) (actually would subscribe that)

query mintedBetween($from: DateTime, $to: DateTime) {
  minted: nftEntitiesConnection(orderBy: createdAt_DESC, where: {createdAt_gte: $from, createdAt_lte: $to}) {
    count: totalCount
Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 20 33 41
const MAX_PER_WINDOW = 10
const available = MAX_PER_WINDOW - minted.count
vikiival commented 1 year ago

cc @Jarsen136

vikiival commented 1 year ago

So I have also minting API

POST https://waifu-me.kodadot.workers.dev/

    "image": "https://replicate.delivery/pbxt/9J9QidY2qn7fUSGG1MhM3gM1q6q22uxuTuYD2YUcTfyU9dnQA/out-0.png",
    "metadata": "ipfs://ipfs/bafkreibp2b6dgpj5ff4jp4lxcn2htt5b5ejhttweuu6olazkex6vbftapa",
    "address": "DJW45XKKomj9HPKzLuZKqaneKhb53QGQCLCkEx9PaZk6d4k"

So data to fill from frontend

import { createMetadata, unSanitizeIpfsUrl } from '@kodadot1/minimark/utils'
import { pinJson } from '@/services/nftStorage'
import { preheatFileFromIPFS } from '@/utils/ipfs'

const name = 'Corn Waifu'
const description = 'This anime waifu loves corn with butter and salt. Please dont microwave your corn, cook it like a normal person. Boil salty water and add corn - cook 15 minutes. Your anime waifu will make you a popcorn if you defeat her in a final battle. Only true winner can enjoy good dinner in a form of corn'
const image = selected.image

const meta = createMetadata(

const metaHash = await pinJson(meta, image)

const hash = unSanitizeIpfsUrl(metaHash)

const { accountId } = useAuth()
const res = await doWaifu(accountId.value, hash, image)
yangwao commented 1 year ago


exezbcz commented 1 year ago

@yangwao live bug hunting on utxo

yangwao commented 1 year ago

i believe in @Jarsen136

yeah seems we will be rapidly and radically updating 😁

exezbcz commented 1 year ago

I have a few suggestions for changes but won't provide complete feedback.

image image

this to 16px top, bottom margin, please

Otherwise, layout is correct, and visual things could be done ad-hoc

Thank you!

Jarsen136 commented 1 year ago

There are still some unclear things that need your guide. @vikiival

for testing you can use this collection https://canary.kodadot.xyz/stmn/collection/6?collectionId=6

total is collection.nftCount / (colllection.max || Infinity)

I'm not sure how to get themax from collection.

Regarding to available for mint (I would check the query) (actually would subscribe that)

query mintedBetween($from: DateTime, $to: DateTime) {
  minted: nftEntitiesConnection(orderBy: createdAt_DESC, where: {createdAt_gte: $from, createdAt_lte: $to}) {
    count: totalCount

It's strange that when I try to get the total count of nfts from this testing collection, it returns nothing. /stmn/collection/6


It works on another collection.

Jarsen136 commented 1 year ago

So I have also minting API

POST https://waifu-me.kodadot.workers.dev/

So data to fill from frontend

import { createMetadata, unSanitizeIpfsUrl } from '@kodadot1/minimark/utils'
import { pinJson } from '@/services/nftStorage'
import { preheatFileFromIPFS } from '@/utils/ipfs'

const name = 'Corn Waifu'
const description = 'This anime waifu loves corn with butter and salt. Please dont microwave your corn, cook it like a normal person. Boil salty water and add corn - cook 15 minutes. Your anime waifu will make you a popcorn if you defeat her in a final battle. Only true winner can enjoy good dinner in a form of corn'
const image = selected.image

const meta = createMetadata(

const metaHash = await pinJson(meta, image)

const hash = unSanitizeIpfsUrl(metaHash)

const { accountId } = useAuth()
const res = await doWaifu(accountId.value, hash, image)

I'm not sure about the minting process. Should the user select one of the 10 images and then post it? I thought nft was distributed to users randomly after minting. πŸ˜…

exezbcz commented 1 year ago

So I have also minting API

POST https://waifu-me.kodadot.workers.dev/

So data to fill from frontend

import { createMetadata, unSanitizeIpfsUrl } from '@kodadot1/minimark/utils'
import { pinJson } from '@/services/nftStorage'
import { preheatFileFromIPFS } from '@/utils/ipfs'

const name = 'Corn Waifu'
const description = 'This anime waifu loves corn with butter and salt. Please dont microwave your corn, cook it like a normal person. Boil salty water and add corn - cook 15 minutes. Your anime waifu will make you a popcorn if you defeat her in a final battle. Only true winner can enjoy good dinner in a form of corn'
const image = selected.image

const meta = createMetadata(

const metaHash = await pinJson(meta, image)

const hash = unSanitizeIpfsUrl(metaHash)

const { accountId } = useAuth()
const res = await doWaifu(accountId.value, hash, image)

I'm not sure about the minting process. Should the user select one of the 10 images and then post it? I thought nft was distributed to users randomly after minting. πŸ˜…

Those are only possible drops - user cannot influence what nft they get

vikiival commented 1 year ago

There are still some unclear things that need your guide

query collectionByIdId($id:String!) {
  collectionEntityById(id: $id) {

you need to use stick v3


I thought It was pushed in some update

query mintedBetween($id: String!, $from: DateTime, $to: DateTime) {
  minted: nftEntitiesConnection(orderBy: createdAt_DESC, where: { collection: { id_eq: $id }, createdAt_gte: $from, createdAt_lte: $to}) {
    count: totalCount
Jarsen136 commented 1 year ago

So I have also minting API POST https://waifu-me.kodadot.workers.dev/

So data to fill from frontend

import { createMetadata, unSanitizeIpfsUrl } from '@kodadot1/minimark/utils'
import { pinJson } from '@/services/nftStorage'
import { preheatFileFromIPFS } from '@/utils/ipfs'

const name = 'Corn Waifu'
const description = 'This anime waifu loves corn with butter and salt. Please dont microwave your corn, cook it like a normal person. Boil salty water and add corn - cook 15 minutes. Your anime waifu will make you a popcorn if you defeat her in a final battle. Only true winner can enjoy good dinner in a form of corn'
const image = selected.image

const meta = createMetadata(

const metaHash = await pinJson(meta, image)

const hash = unSanitizeIpfsUrl(metaHash)

const { accountId } = useAuth()
const res = await doWaifu(accountId.value, hash, image)

I'm not sure about the minting process. Should the user select one of the 10 images and then post it? I thought nft was distributed to users randomly after minting. πŸ˜…

Those are only possible drops - user cannot influence what nft they get

So I guess we would not need to upload image and generate ipfs hash, at least on the frontend side. User only need to post the api with his/her address. What do you think? @vikiival

yangwao commented 1 year ago

I guess we would not need to upload image and generate ipfs has

yes, it would be pre generated by api

User only need to post the api with his/her address. What do you think?

exactly! :)

vikiival commented 1 year ago

You still need to generate metadata

vikiival commented 1 year ago
Screenshot 2023-06-03 at 23 34 50
Jarsen136 commented 1 year ago
Screenshot 2023-06-03 at 23 34 50


vikiival commented 1 year ago

cc @exezbcz @yangwao

So people can see which one they will claim

Those are only possible drops - user cannot influence what nft they get

So selection is random?

BECAUSE THESE TWO STATEMENTS contradict each other

  1. The biggest one is selected
  2. one random out of ten is selected
daiagi commented 1 year ago

ready for review?

vikiival commented 1 year ago


@Jarsen136 is it possible to make that mobile-friendly?

Jarsen136 commented 1 year ago

ready for review?

Yes, but I guess it needs some deeper refactoring in the future.

Jarsen136 commented 1 year ago

@Jarsen136 is it possible to make that mobile-friendly?

yes, it could be solved in another issue.

daiagi commented 1 year ago

where to test? what is the expected behavior?

yangwao commented 1 year ago

So people can see which one they will claim Those are only possible drops - user cannot influence what nft they get

So selection is random?

User supposed to select from 10 pregenerated waifus

The biggest one is selected

user selects from available mints for that hour/window

one random out of ten is selected

yangwao commented 1 year ago

yes, it could be solved in another issue

I would merge it so we can have the mobile version started as we want to demonstrate it from mobile

daiagi commented 1 year ago

getting a 500 from server and loader keeps spinning (tested on dot) image

vikiival commented 1 year ago

Because you can mint only one nft per accout

vikiival commented 1 year ago

I can disable it

yangwao commented 1 year ago

Probably better error messages? 😁 It should be some 2xx or 4xx code if so?

yangwao commented 1 year ago

I can disable it

for testing oke but hope not for production πŸ˜„

vikiival commented 1 year ago


I can't remove it rn without breaking something, please provide random email address (unique each time and it will mint)

vikiival commented 1 year ago

Probably better error messages? 😁 It should be some 2xx or 4xx code if so?

Changed it, now it throws 400

Jarsen136 commented 1 year ago

Probably better error messages? 😁 It should be some 2xx or 4xx code if so?

Changed it, now it throws 400

Now it would display the message toast when error happens.

exezbcz commented 1 year ago

So people can see which one they will claim Those are only possible drops - user cannot influence what nft they get

So selection is random?

User supposed to select from 10 pregenerated waifus

The biggest one is selected

user selects from available mints for that hour/window

~one random out of ten is selected~

yeah, sorry for the confusion

yangwao commented 1 year ago

can we merge, so someone can start on the mobile version?

refactor could be done afterwards.

preschian commented 1 year ago

can we merge, so someone can start on the mobile version?

refactor could be done afterwards.

at least fix this first before merge? https://github.com/kodadot/nft-gallery/pull/6137#discussion_r1217628384

maybe create separate graphql queries for this page? cc @Jarsen136 @vikiival

vikiival commented 1 year ago

at least fix this first before merge? https://github.com/kodadot/nft-gallery/pull/6137#discussion_r1217628384

Yup otherwise it would f*ck the app

Jarsen136 commented 1 year ago

can we merge, so someone can start on the mobile version? refactor could be done afterwards.

at least fix this first before merge? #6137 (comment)

maybe create separate graphql queries for this page? cc @Jarsen136 @vikiival

Yes, I will make some quick fix.

Jarsen136 commented 1 year ago

I guess it could be merged now.

codeclimate[bot] commented 1 year ago

Code Climate has analyzed commit 1c57f578 and detected 0 issues on this pull request.

View more on Code Climate.

vikiival commented 1 year ago

So let's merge

yangwao commented 1 year ago


Let's continue in

yangwao commented 1 year ago

pay 200 usd

yangwao commented 1 year ago

😍 Perfect, I’ve sent the payout πŸ’΅ $200 @ 5.27 USD/DOT ~ 37.951 $DOT πŸ§— 16SjUbGKSdjCdWTy3NNT3JxbRVGGqD4mwkHpc6BD9U2Rp29Z πŸ”— 0xaa97dd891d2705153378d92aa60b9bc0741b456b97ba15112374fd6237099b93

πŸͺ… Let’s grab another issue and get rewarded! πŸͺ„ github.com/kodadot/nft-gallery/issues