kodadot / nft-gallery

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What is current Playwright test coverage? #7051

Open yangwao opened 10 months ago

yangwao commented 10 months ago

I think we should have test coverage for current functionality before we switch to Nuxt3

This is currently we had with Cypress?

Current playwright tests

Probably we should extended them at least on level we've had with Cypress

Originally posted by @yangwao in https://github.com/kodadot/nft-gallery/issues/6920#issuecomment-1699510451

prury commented 10 months ago

@yangwao i can start with the ones that are simpler, some others are complex and I'll take some to to study/re implement them

kodabot commented 10 months ago

ASSIGNED - @prury 🔒 LOCKED -> Thursday, August 31st 2023, 18:34:34 UTC -> 24 hours

kodabot commented 10 months ago

ASSIGNMENT EXPIRED - @prury has been unassigned.

prury commented 9 months ago

@nick-dev123 please lmk if you are going to refactor another one so we can split the load

yangwao commented 9 months ago

So currently, there are 24 tests?

Seems we don't cover inputs well

prury commented 9 months ago

So currently, there are 24 tests?

* https://github.com/kodadot/nft-gallery/actions/runs/6295705890/job/17089393328?pr=7354#step:7:48

Yes, and I'm already coding some new ones as we speak, expect a PR from me this week

Seems we don't cover inputs well

* [Listing price: I set the price 1 DOT it listed item for 100 DOTs! #7343](https://github.com/kodadot/nft-gallery/issues/7343)

Change price modal got introduced recently, and to test anything that requires signing a transaction needs something different than just a mockaddress to interact with koda. I have been studying the subject tho, talked with some ppl in the last few days.

I'm separating tests by their page/relation, instead of testing all the possible inputs in one test.

Usually my workflow is as follows:

Check test list priority(example):

Test Page Priority
Drops Page p2
Create Collection ✔️
Create NFT p1 - after #7208
Chain Change ✔️
Language Change ✔️
Profile Sidebar p1
Notifications p5
Shopping Cart p3
Transfer under development
Teleport Bridge p2
Explore Items ✔️ (@nick-dev123 )
Open graph ✔️
Filters p4
Explore Collections ✔️ (@nick-dev123 )
Sort p3
Identity wait for #7294 and #7361
Assets wait for future refactor
Collection items Tab p2
Collection Activity Tab p3
Gallery Item ✔️
Change NFT Price p3
Redirection ✔️
Chain Change ✔️
Transfer NFT p3
Profile Page Interactions p1
Wallet Interactions p1
Landing under development
Footer ✔️
Overall CSS p5
Blog p5
Search ✔️
Navbar p2

then i think about test cases for a specific page/component

Transfer Page:

As you can observe, there are many test related work fronts

lmk what you think of it

nick-dev123 commented 9 months ago

@prury Which tests are you working on from the list?

prury commented 9 months ago

@prury Which tests are you working on from the list?

Transfer and Landing so far, also adding some small fixtures, let me improve this list, just a moment

prury commented 9 months ago

@nick-dev123 done, this list will suffer changes as we go, but that's it for now! lmk which one you want! hit me on telegram if you need anything

yangwao commented 9 months ago

Do tests works on nuxt ? Doesn't look like?

prury commented 9 months ago

Do tests works on nuxt ? Doesn't look like?

* https://github.com/kodadot/nft-gallery/actions/runs/6417977813/job/17424815975?pr=7449

* https://github.com/kodadot/nft-gallery/actions/workflows/playwright.yml

some work, some don't, i am aware and i have been trying to fix them for nuxt in the last few days, but will need a bit more of time