kodadot / nft-gallery

Generative Art Marketplace
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feat: mass listing #7076

Closed stephenjason89 closed 8 months ago

stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago

Thank you for your contribution to the KodaDot - One Stop Shop for Polkadot NFTs.

πŸ‘‡ __ Let's make a quick check before the contribution.

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Copilot Summary

πŸ€– Generated by Copilot at 0c66f2c

This pull request implements a listing cart feature for NFT owners who want to sell their items. It adds a new stores/listingCart module that defines a Pinia store for managing the cart state and actions, and uses local storage for persistence. It also modifies the ItemsGridImage component to display a button for adding items to the cart.

πŸ€– Generated by Copilot at 0c66f2c

You have the power to sell your art But beware of the listing cart It will sync with your local storage And unleash the Pinia carnage

kodabot commented 9 months ago

WARNING @stephenjason89 PR for issue #6941 which isn't assigned to you. Please be warned that this PR may get rejected if there's another assignee for issue #6941

netlify[bot] commented 9 months ago

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reviewpad[bot] commented 9 months ago

AI-Generated Summary: This pull request introduces the feature of listing items in a cart. Changes are made to the file ItemsGridImage.vue, which now includes new functionalities such as listing items for sale and checking if an item is already in the cart. This is possible through using the store listingCart.ts. This new file has been added to manage the listings in the cart. It includes definitions for different actions such as setting an item, updating an item, removing an item, and clearing the cart. These functionalities utilize local storage for persistence. A total of 92 lines have been added in this update spread across two files. The purpose of this update is to enhance the user’s shopping experience by keeping track of their potential purchases.

yangwao commented 9 months ago

Can we try to test it?

Interesting πŸ€” progress of sizing From small, through medium till largest


stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago

@yangwao maybe in 3hours i'll be done Just gonna save the transactions πŸ˜„

exezbcz commented 9 months ago


nice job, I will continuously check the pr:

First round


clicking floor in the modal does nothing even thought there is the collection floor price :


check dark mode input styling please:


smaller thrash icon here:


otherwise really solid! thank you @stephenjason89, next round soon :D

stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago


nice job, I will continuously check the pr:

otherwise really solid! thank you @stephenjason89, next round soon :D

Thank you @exezbcz for pointing out the dark theme issue. I am glad you liked the layout and everything was good.

Yup all the other functionalities are not yet implemented but I am almost done with it.

Will push a PR in a while.

stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago

@exezbcz Please check PR. This is almost final. Will just have to save this on the chain now and i will remove this from draft.

Thank you

exezbcz commented 9 months ago
  • this thing should be displayed after at least one item is added


styling: image

left padding for the placeholder please image

stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago
  • this thing should be displayed after at least one item is added

Oh okay, I thought it should always show so a user can do a Select All initially. But yes hiding it is good also, that's what i want to do initially.


styling: image

left padding for the placeholder please image

noted on this.

stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago

@exezbcz & @prury If you could possibly check and test. Waiting for your feedback.

Thank you so much

stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago

@yangwao Done, very late here now...


😴 πŸ›Œ πŸ˜ͺ

Goodnight guys!

prury commented 9 months ago

RMRK 1 and 2 NFTs not loading here for me:


stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago

By the way, I am using the floor price returned from the graphql query nftListWithSearch

collection {
  • Clicking floor price just sets everything to 0

I believe right now it returns a wrong value. It is returning the lowest value that was set in a collection even if that lowest value was already changed.

I think this is not working as it should @yangwao @roiLeo Please confirm

I would hate to use useCollectionDetails() as this will run another query per collection just to get this information.

RMRK 1 and 2 NFTs not loading here for me:

@prury I might have to re-implement floor as it is caused by our backend. Data returned was not consistent between chains


Other chains didn't have the floor available

I'll just use useCollectionDetails() and re-query the information. This is not optimal though.

stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago

@prury Please check should be perfect now πŸ˜„

yangwao commented 9 months ago

kudos for making it, yet it seems floor price +5% doesn't work well? It listed bellow πŸ€” ah, confused, it works seems good.



yangwao commented 9 months ago

We should auto-fix the decimal point for user?



yangwao commented 9 months ago

Probably for follow-up, we can add another OR strategy to add +5% +10% +15% from users buying price.


in this case if buy was 0.6KSM, 15% add up should be 0.69KSM image

exezbcz commented 9 months ago

Next round



infinity when no floor and clicking the floor +5% button? image

potential earnings not calculating image

stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago

kudos for making it

Thanks boss ❀️

Probably for follow-up, we can add another OR strategy to add +5% +10% +15% from users buying price.

Will do.

We should auto-fix the decimal point for user?

Noted on this, how many decimal places do we need? and do we need to round or just use the toFixed? Also, is this only for the display, what i meant is, for the computation on use floor price or +-5% Should I use the original floor price?


How can i reproduce this?

@exezbcz noted on this. https://github.com/kodadot/nft-gallery/pull/7076#issuecomment-1703819090 Thanks

@roiLeo Thanks for pointing out the css helpers, is there a documentation where i can read more on this? Also it would also be nice if I can see a documentation of our styles & components so I can reuse as much as possible.

hello, some changes I would like to see:

more translated string

Will use the i18n and put up english translation. what languages do you want to include? Is google translate acceptable?

Arrow functions check out other stores to use same function pattern

As much as possible I use arrow functions where I can, though this


Is not possible since the this context is different, in this case, inside the pinia getters.

Let me explain a bit more


won't work because itemsInChain is a getter


will not work as well because it inherits the this context


In this method, the this context is dynamically bound, meaning that when you call count, this refers to the object that owns the count method. This will correctly reference itemsInChain getter.

please don't use set when it's not needed

I don't use set when it is not needed. I used it inside the listingCart store because I am creating a property and vue doesn't track the properties created on an object on the fly

if we will not use Vue.set another option here is to define the initial property which may cause more lines of code and is not needed in Vue 3

or to replace the whole object which in this case is the state of the pinia store.

I can switch it if we really do not wish to use Vue.set. On vue 3 however, replacing this with Object.assign will be suffice.

But yeah, I'll just refactor it to not use set .

Thank you

@Jarsen136 Thanks I will try to use more of the es6 forEach

Thank you everyone for commenting and suggesting things for improvement. I appreciate all of your time and effort to check my PR ❀️

yangwao commented 9 months ago


How can i reproduce this?

One input used ,, one ., but probably we should handle it globally iirc

stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago

Hello everyone I have finished everything here. @exezbcz only thing i can't reproduce is the infinity, but i changed it a bit so please let me know if it still happens.

@yangwao I have reimplemented how +-5% works. Please let me know if you like it this way instead. You can recursively add more 5% or less 5%

By the way @yangwao we need to correct this on the backend, if it's possible that we can return a correct floor value for all chains then we won't need to requery for every collection using useCollectionDetails() I believe this is redundant.

collection {

Also, i used the default settings of formatBalance which is 4 decimal places.

vikiival commented 9 months ago

we need to correct this on the backend, if it's possible that we can return a correct floor value for all chains then we won't need to requery for every collection using useCollectionDetails() I believe this is redundant.

Can you rephrase your question please? @stephenjason89

stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago

we need to correct this on the backend, if it's possible that we can return a correct floor value for all chains then we won't need to requery for every collection using useCollectionDetails() I believe this is redundant.

Can you rephrase your question please? @stephenjason89

for example in the graphql query


It would be nice to return floor here for every chain. So that in the front-end we can just use this directly instead of using the composable

const { stats } = useCollectionDetails({
  collectionId: props.nft?.collection?.id || props.nft?.collectionId,

then using stats.value.collectionFloorPrice

Right now, only the


can return floor but it is the wrong floor value so we also need to check this.

Example returned data with floor


for RMRK1 / 2 and the others it doesn't have a floor field so it will throw a graphql error on this

This causes to have 1 more query per collection. Which we could have avoided if it was already returned by the first query.

vikiival commented 9 months ago

for RMRK1 / 2 and the others it doesn't have a floor field so it will throw a graphql error on this

Well the only indexer that does not have floor is ksm that is blocked by - https://github.com/kodadot/nft-gallery/issues/5853


rmrk has floor just we need to update indexer to newer version πŸ‘

stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago

for RMRK1 / 2 and the others it doesn't have a floor field so it will throw a graphql error on this

Well the only indexer that does not have floor is ksm that is blocked by - https://github.com/kodadot/nft-gallery/issues/5853

Oh was rmrk recently added?

https://github.com/kodadot/nft-gallery/pull/7076#issuecomment-1703277279 It was throwing an error a few days ago Didn't try today.


rmrk has floor just we need to update indexer to newer version πŸ‘


Got it.

But you have to check it, It is incorrectly returning the floor value. It returns the lowest value that was listed on the collection but if i change the lowest value to something higher then the query still returns the lowest value that was ever set before.

Example Collection 1 has Nft 1 - price 1.89 Nft 2 - price 3.5 Nft 3 - price 4.6

The floor is 1.89

But if i change nft 1 price to 5.5

It will still return floor 1.89 When it should be 3.5 now

If you lower the price of nft 1 to 0.5

Then floor correctly gives me 0.5

vikiival commented 9 months ago

Is this bug happenning on all indexers or just rmrk or ksm

If so please open the issue For all: kodadot/loligo For ksm/rmrk: kodadot/rubick

I try to find time to fix it or can guide.

Edit: most probably i know where is the the issue.

stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago

If so please open the issue For all: kodadot/loligo For ksm/rmrk: kodadot/rubick

I try to find time to fix it or can guide.

I would love to try and fix it, please guide me. I'll open an issue later.

stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago

getting close mainly missing translations

Everything's added now. Please check. Thank you so much!

daiagi commented 9 months ago


same issue as #7121

stephenjason89 commented 9 months ago

@daiagi this is how it looks on my end on the latest deployment


How can i replicate that issue? Have you tried clearing your cache?

daiagi commented 9 months ago

this is how it looks on my end on the latest deployment

don't worry about it, it is dealt with in #7121. I've just linked it here so prury or execbcz know that it isn't from this pr

codeclimate[bot] commented 8 months ago

Code Climate has analyzed commit edd67df1 and detected 0 issues on this pull request.

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sonarcloud[bot] commented 8 months ago

Kudos, SonarCloud Quality Gate passed!    Quality Gate passed

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yangwao commented 8 months ago

I think it's time for merge, and we can do followups. πŸ˜„


stephenjason89 commented 8 months ago

I think it's time for merge, and we can do followups. πŸ˜„


Yeah haha let's do this πŸ˜… Most of the code changes were code style, syntax, global css helpers, and translations.

I think we've addressed everything already πŸ˜‚

daiagi commented 8 months ago

Alright. Thank you for your patience with the extended reviews Let it roll

yangwao commented 8 months ago

pay 100 usd

yangwao commented 8 months ago

😍 Perfect, I’ve sent the payout πŸ’΅ $100 @ 4.23 USD/DOT ~ 23.641 $DOT πŸ§— 13rFRPVKjJzQXVC8ZqHZv5YMmwmk4MU7z4HeYk218hEMpQXH πŸ”— 0xe879ce52e338193cf5881d94ccab1c2a1201cdd790318ab3a6d74254a931eed8

πŸͺ… Let’s grab another issue and get rewarded! πŸͺ„ github.com/kodadot/nft-gallery/issues