kodadot / nft-gallery

Generative Art Marketplace
MIT License
630 stars 360 forks source link

Claim drop modals and flow #8163

Closed exezbcz closed 9 months ago

exezbcz commented 10 months ago




updated in confirmation modals page: https://www.figma.com/file/JXNtryaNYhY0XJNArzvPQx/Handoff?type=design&node-id=1458%3A19091&mode=design&t=yg8JpK4u8LeaLaP8-1

Loading modal


top to bottom:



Context text






list opens list modal, view nft gallery item

Drop page changes

hassnian commented 10 months ago

needs #8061 to reuse this CleanShot 2023-11-21 at 12 30 00@2x

vikiival commented 10 months ago

My only concern is that the preview won't load in 30 seconds when the nft is getting minted, is my concern valid? cc @vikiival

I have the data in the database so I can send them in response :). therefore you can see the art before it is on-chain

exezbcz commented 10 months ago

Can we make it till the next gen drop? πŸ‘€ Its on Friday afaik

vikiival commented 10 months ago

Can we make it till the next gen drop? πŸ‘€ Its on Friday afaik

Updated :)

yangwao commented 9 months ago

Any takers @kodadot/internal-dev ?

yangwao commented 9 months ago

list opens list modal,

here will be [Add Funds] options for first timers?

exezbcz commented 9 months ago

@yangwao add funds option is in listing modal


yangwao commented 9 months ago

@hassnian if you want to take this one, can give you extra bount for this, like $$

shashkovdanil commented 9 months ago

@yangwao I can try to do it, do you have deadline?

hassnian commented 9 months ago

@hassnian if you want to take this one, can give you extra bount for this, like $$


@yangwao I can try to do it, do you have deadline?

@shashkovdanil seems want to take it

@yangwao already talked with @exezbcz regarding this issue , I think I'd be great if we had a "testnet" like api for drops or a mocked api or even docs, maybe even response api in the issue description would work, but again we can't test , since those workers are private and external contributors have no way of knowing what the api returns , and developing some drop issues becomes and issue

also qa testing can't be done

cc @vikiival

edit: works for me CleanShot 2023-12-05 at 13 25 22@2x

shashkovdanil commented 9 months ago

@hassnian I've already taken 8411 task

vikiival commented 9 months ago

I made a testing collection. Please mind that you need few addresses to test it out. Sadly I cannot disable unique address constrain from D1

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 11 41 08

hassnian commented 9 months ago


kodabot commented 9 months ago

ASSIGNED - @hassnian πŸ”’ LOCKED -> Thursday, December 7th 2023, 15:58:02 UTC -> 36 hours