kodebach / hacs-idm-heatpump

HACS integration for IDM heat pumps
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Loads of very useful ModbusTCP parameters, like a dream #69

Closed AndyNew2 closed 5 months ago

AndyNew2 commented 6 months ago

By chance I dedected a bunch of new parameters in the ModbusTCP description for the IDM heatpump. This should give us a lot more possibilities: You can check the values and addresses yourself by activating the "Service-Ebene", and then Service - Gebäudeleittechnik - GLT Monitor

In here you see following new, (not yet described) parameters, even some of them for writing:

and now the very important parameters:

I think the ID 4108 Leistungsbegrenzung and ID 82, 84 and 86 are gamechangers...

kodebach commented 6 months ago

Interesting, I will take a look as soon as I find some time to work on the integration.

AndyNew2 commented 6 months ago

I could not wait and activiated my old modbus writing script. It actually works and you get a lot more details in the IDM GUI. In the previous ModbusTCP integration you just had seen the overproduction and based on that, the heatpump activates more power (PV mode). With the additional parameters, you got a full Photovoltaik-Integration in IDM. You see the battery, if you have one and your house power consuption. Actually writing these values had been a little bit tricky, since I expected the usage differently.

So here my findings:

ID 76 Leistung E-Heizstab, RW reading and writing, not sure what is that for ... not tried, no idea what it is good for. Anybody an idea?

ID 82 Hausverbrauch RW, Yes this is a float value, will be written like all other kW values for the PV production. Unit is kW. This is actually the consuption including the heatpump. What the IDM GUI does, it substracts its own power consuption from that value and assigns the rest to the house. Be caseful to set this value including the consuption of the heatpump, since otherwise it reduces the power from its own consuption and the house consuption is 0.

ID 84 Batterieentladung RW Is just used for the GUI and nice to see. It is not part of any IDM calculation, just used for statistics. Value is again a float in in kW ID 86 Batterie Füllstand RW This is an integer value (I just passed the value without converting to float). I think -1 is interpreted not to have a battery, and it will be removed from display and statistics. Otherwise it is the SOC (state of charge) in %. So valid parameters are from 0 to 100. The very great thing is, once writing these values, there appear a lot more settings in the IDM GUI. You have now the possiblity to specify a minimum battery level for setting PV mode in IDM. Not exactly understood, how this works, but these values activates a lot more statistics and values in the IDM GUI. Really nice. It is like you have a Fronious or E3/DC converter. Have fun and I look forward to have it integrated here...

kodebach commented 6 months ago

ID 76 Leistung E-Heizstab, RW reading and writing, not sure what is that for

Most (if not all) heat pumps have a resistive heating element to assist the actual heat pump in very cold weather (e.g. -10°C). So I guess reading the value tells you whether the heating element is in use. It is in kW and not a simple on/off value, since some IDM models (including mine) have multiple heating elements with different resistances (and therefore wattage), so the heat output can be regulated better.

Not sure what writing would do. Maybe you can manually enable the heating element, maybe it just limits the power, who knows. Without documentation, I don't think I will support writing this value in the integration.

ID 82 Hausverbrauch RW, ID 84 Batterieentladung RW ID 86 Batterie Füllstand RW

I added them to #50

Krasto82 commented 6 months ago

yes exactly, I use the parameter of the battery with the excess of solar power. If I have surplus and the SOC is at least 30% I run an additional domestic hot water load for example.

Krasto82 commented 6 months ago

Interesting, I will take a look as soon as I find some time to work on the integration.

By calling id86 I can correctly see the INT value of the battery charge. Great and trying it works

AndyNew2 commented 5 months ago

I have now started a few tests with the value ID 4108 Leistungsbegrenzung Wärmepumpe. I assumed it has unit kW like all the other power paramteres and have written them as float. However the iDM GLT Monitor just showed me 0.0 (instead of initially -1) and ignored the written value further. I had actually written 1.2. Whatever I made, all values had been ignored. I tried as well an integer value, no change always shown as 0 and is ignored. That is poor and annoying. I have no idea to make that write valid. I activated the GLT Log. This shows me all other read and writes, however the write to register 4108 is ignored and not(!) shown in the GLT Log, however I know it changed the value from -1 to 0.0, so something must have arrived. This iDM people tricksing me. Is there anybody having an idea to make these values valid? Is there a read needed before? Any special setting I missed?

kodebach commented 5 months ago

IDs 76, 82, 84 and 86 are included in v0.7.0 and apart from 76 they are also writable. I'll add the other ones in a future release.

I have now started a few tests with the value ID 4108 Leistungsbegrenzung Wärmepumpe. I assumed it has unit kW like all the other power paramteres and have written them as float.

Have you tried using larger values? Maybe it is in Watts not Kilowatts and there is a minimum below which the values are ignored. Otherwise, no idea, you might be able to get some more infos from IDM support.

Krasto82 commented 5 months ago

Great work. I will delete my modbus sensors to see soc percentage. Thanks

AndyNew2 commented 5 months ago

I will try, but I assume no change. Maybe that is linked to a special contract for your grid provider? Maybe a smart grid contract needs to be active? I am just guessing...

AndyNew2 commented 5 months ago

Just checked my previous tries. I already did what you proposed. So I have written 1200.0 to that register, without any success. Still ignored and nothing shown in the GLT Monitor. Further ideas?

kodebach commented 5 months ago

Further ideas?

Nope sorry, you'll have to ask IDM how that parameter works.

AndyNew2 commented 5 months ago

Correct and thanks for support. I asked my iDM support today, to ask iDM the question about that parameters. My hope is very low they give an reasonable answer, as everything I asked till now, including detailed bug reports had been ignored. iDM no longer is touchable for customers, .... Let's see maybe we got surprised ;-)

AndyNew2 commented 5 months ago

I got a response, but the expected one. These parameters are only for iDM themselves. Nothing a user should know about.

Of course, thanks iDM for not helping us, like nowadays always....

AndyNew2 commented 5 months ago

Ah this issue can be closed, nothing else to do here...

Krasto82 commented 4 months ago

New upgrade for IDM navigator

Release Notes_Nav_2.0_en.pdf

AndyNew2 commented 4 months ago

Cool Krasto82, where you got this document from? Do you have a reasonable contact to iDM, or you found it on internet?

AndyNew2 commented 4 months ago

@Krasto82 Very interested in the source.

Krasto82 commented 4 months ago

Cool Krasto82, where you got this document from? Do you have a reasonable contact to iDM, or you found it on internet?

The pdf was shared with me by my installer. He told me that idm always sends a changelog to them when they release a new firmware

AndyNew2 commented 4 months ago

Did you got more files, or just the description file? The company name of the installer is Nothaft or a different company?

Krasto82 commented 4 months ago

Only this file, the installer updated the firmware via OTA. Company Name of the installer is Valsolar located in Italy.

AndyNew2 commented 4 months ago

Ah finally a different contact. Will they forward requests to iDM? How helpful are they? I struggly a little bit with my contacts...

Krasto82 commented 4 months ago

Ah finally a different contact. Will they forward requests to iDM? How helpful are they? I struggly a little bit with my contacts...

they are a local company and are in contact with idm italia. If you want I'll leave you their website https://valsolar.eu/