kodejak / Hashr

Android app to generate and compare md5 or other checksums.
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Warn that MD5 is practically broken! #7

Open JRHaigh opened 7 years ago

JRHaigh commented 7 years ago

Example MD5 collisions were first published in 1996, and many practical attacks have since been published. It's now possible to find MD5 collisions within seconds on a single, widely-available CPU. Given that Hashr doesn't support Android prior to 4.0.3, devices that can find MD5 collisions within seconds are far more abundant than devices that can run Hashr.     Even though it is well-known that MD5 offers negligible security, Hashr should warn the user about the risk of MD5 collisions whenever they is on the MD5 tab. If they is using the MD5 function then perhaps they didn't know that MD5 is insecure, hence they should be warned!