kodemore / kink

Dependency injection container made for Python
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PoC Injectable type hint #31

Closed dkraczkowski closed 11 months ago

and3rson commented 1 year ago

Awesome! Thanks @dkraczkowski!

I did some testing and, for some reason, mypy fails to properly see Injectable[X] as it is, and instead infers it as Any, thus preventing the plugin from spotting injected args:

def foo(x: Injectable[str]):

# Revealed type is "def (x: Any) -> Any"

When I was doing some local testing few days ago, I made my own Injectable by stealing the typing.Optional as follows:

from typing import _SpecialForm
def Injectable(self, parameters):
    # Stolen from `typing.Optional`
    arg = _type_check(parameters, f"{self} requires a single type.")
    return arg

def foo(x: Injectable[str]):

Revealed type is "def (x: Injectable?[builtins.str]) -> Any"

...however this makes mypy complain that Function "1.Injectable" is not valid as a type - weird, considering that typing.Optional has same implementation and works fine.

Any thoughts on that?

and3rson commented 1 year ago

Update: I've removed #type: ignore from your code but it still resolves to Any:

# Any

Possibly relevant: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/11501

and3rson commented 1 year ago

Update 2: seems like some metaclass magic could do the trick:

class M(type):
    def __getitem__(self, typ: Type[I]) -> I:
        return typ

class Injectable(Generic[I], metaclass=M): pass

# Revealed type is "def () -> kink.inject.Injectable[1.IRepository]"

That still has some issues, trying to find a workaround for it.

Reference: https://github.com/python/mypy/commit/e0e9c2e5f26b19d8d369df152e51fbba9eda6de4#diff-1c26dc582ed5f36723414080dfb646bc71cf20736b73ae1ccff9b90a5d3befaf

and3rson commented 1 year ago

Okay, I think I've finally found a way to do this:

from typing import Generic, TypeVar
from typing_extensions import reveal_type
import inspect

class Foo:

T = TypeVar('T')

class M(type):
    def __getitem__(self, item: T) -> T:
        return item

class Injectable(Generic[T], metaclass=M):

def foo(a: str, b: Injectable[Foo]):

# mypy:
reveal_type(foo)  # Revealed type is "def (a: builtins.str, b: test.Injectable[test.Foo]) -> Any"

# runtime:
print(Injectable[Foo])  # <class '__main__.Foo'>
print(inspect.signature(foo))  # (a: str, b: __main__.Foo)
and3rson commented 1 year ago

I think I finally managed to make it work.

Some changes are required though:

I = TypeVar('I')

    # Give mypy a generic version of `Injectable[I]` that also inherits `I`.
    # Do not implement `__getattr__` to prevent downgrading `Injectable[I]` to `I`.
    class Injectable(I, Generic[I]):

    # Give python a working version of `Injectable[I]` that actually returns `I`.
    # This will convert `Injectable[I]` to `I` during runtime which is compatible with inject logic.
    # (Taken from your PR)
    class _Injectable:
        def __getitem__(self, item: Type[I]) -> I:  # FIXME: Shouldn't this be Type[I] -> Type[I]?
            return item  # type: ignore
    Injectable: TypeAlias = _Injectable()  # type: ignore[misc]

    # Alternative version using metaclasses:
    class M(type):
        def __getitem__(self, item: Type[I]) -> Type[I]:
            return item
    class Injectable(metaclass=M):

Corresponding plugin code:

from mypy.nodes import ARG_OPT
from mypy.plugin import FunctionContext, Plugin
from mypy.types import Instance

# Set this to contain full names of corresponding items
INJECT_FULLNAME = 'kink.inject.inject'
INJECTABLE_FULLNAME = 'kink.inject.Injectable'

class KinkPlugin(Plugin):
    def get_function_hook(self, fullname: str):
        if fullname == INJECT_FULLNAME:
            return self._inject_hook
        return super().get_function_hook(fullname)

    def _inject_hook(self, ctx: FunctionContext):
            func = ctx.arg_types[0][0]
        except IndexError:
            # FIXME: This is not an `@inject` form, but `@inject()`.
            # Do nothing since we don't have the function signature yet.
            return ctx.default_return_type
        for i, (arg_name, arg_type) in enumerate(zip(func.arg_names, func.arg_types)):
            # Check if argument is of type `Injectable[T]`
            if (
                arg_name not in ('self', 'cls')
                and isinstance(arg_type, Instance)
                and arg_type.type.fullname == INJECTABLE_FULLNAME
                # Mark as optional & replace with inner arg
                func.arg_kinds[i] = ARG_OPT
                # func.arg_types[i] = arg_type.args[0]  # Not necessary since Injectable[T] implements T
        return func

def plugin(version: str):
    return KinkPlugin

This still doesn't work with @inject(), only with @inject, but this could possible be worked around by https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#typing.overload

What do you think?

and3rson commented 1 year ago

@dkraczkowski I just gave it some more thought, and I think there's a more universal solution for this. The problem with my idea of Injectable as a type hint is that it requires plugins to work properly. While we may succeed at making this work for mypy, other tools like pylance & pylint will still complain about the signature. Feels like the type hint might have been a bad idea...

However, I was thinking of adding a different way to mark injected values, but with the help of injected function with a slightly different purpose than Injectable: by using default value rather than type hint. Consider this example:

T = TypeVar('T')

def injected(typ: Type[T]) -> T:
    # Stub for setting default values of injected arguments to make checkers happy.
    # This eliminates "missing argument" errors.
    # This is totally optional - most users will not use this, it's for those who want
    # to make mypy & pylint work properly.

# ...

class UserService:
    def register_new_user(self, username, repo: IRepository = injected(IRepository)):
        user = User(username)

This passes mypy and pylint checks. This is also fully backwards-compatible - it preserves raising of exceptions like kink.errors.execution_error.ExecutionError: Cannot execute function without required parameters.. Some additional changes might be required to def inject(...): ... signature to properly work with both parametrized & bare decorator forms by using @overload: https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#typing.overload



dkraczkowski commented 1 year ago

@and3rson For some reason, GitHub didn't notify me about your comment o_0. What if we use your first solution with a minor tweak:

from typing import _SpecialForm
def _Injectable(self, parameters):
    # Stolen from `typing.Optional`
    arg = _type_check(parameters, f"{self} requires a single type.")
    return arg

Injectable: TypeAlias = _Injectable  # type: ignore

def foo(x: Injectable[str]):

I think this should sort out mypy and work how we want it too. From my perspective, assigning a default value is not the best idea (not from my perspective, maybe I would need to get used to it). Other explorations were fascinating (thank you for that).

I also had a bit of a problem myself sorting it out, so it is practical and not disturbing.

Ping me in the issue if I don't respond, Thanks ;)

dkraczkowski commented 1 year ago

OK. I have checked the solution and seems like IDE is not going to regonize it and mypy is complaining a lot. I will think how to solve it differently.

and3rson commented 1 year ago

@dkraczkowski JFYI - I've been using service: IService = injected(IService) notation for the past few days and had a lot of luck making both mypy & pylint happy with it. I'm still not sure if it's the best solution and I agree with you on that, but it seems like it's really very portable. However it works well only with @inject() form, not @inject. I think that if kink had @overload definitions for callable and non-callable versions of inject decorator, it would make injected() work even better.

Some docs I've found:

Furthermore, having @overload would bring better typing to callable and non-callable versions of inject decorator, so I think you could consider using them to provide better static typing for the decorator itself irregardless of which way we decide to proceed with the original issue.

P.S. I'm not in any way pushing you to accept my proposal with injected - I'm only sharing my findings so far just in case they are helpful in your research. :)

Thanks for the time & efforts you're putting into this! Kink has become our go-to library for dependency injection in one of our new healthcare projects and is going to production next week!

dkraczkowski commented 1 year ago

@and3rson Thank you for the links I will have a look in my spare time. I am really happy to see another projects in production using kink, this is really an awesome news and I wish you all the best with deployment ;).

adamlogan73 commented 1 year ago

A couple of things: 1: how can I help move this along? I have time I can use to noodle this, but its been dead for about a month in this conversation and I don't want to waste work if progress has been made in the mean time. 2: I actually end up putting a comment everywhere we inject to make it explicit that we are injecting, maybe the default parameter isn't a bad thing? 2a: I am pretty sure this behavior is intended to be optional, thus backwards compatible, and only necessary if you want to use it.

adamlogan73 commented 1 year ago

@dkraczkowski @and3rson Any progress on this? Willing to help but don't want to duplicate effort and need to get this fixed.

dkraczkowski commented 1 year ago

@adamlogan73 I am happy to share the effort, lately I did not had much time to look into issues that the community is facing.