koders-in / Website

Koders' Official Website
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Gurleen Kaur Sethi: Testing Koder's website and identification on bugs based on their severity. #79

Open gurleen131 opened 4 months ago

gurleen131 commented 4 months ago



  1. Acceptance of Integer Values for First Name and Last Name Fields •Description: The Koder's Portfolio website allows users to input integer values for both the first name and last name fields, which deviates from the expected behavior of accepting only alphabetic characters for these fields. •Impact: This issue undermines data integrity and user experience. Accepting integer values for first and last names is unconventional and may lead to confusion, incorrect data entry, and potential system errors downstream, especially if the system assumes alphabetic names. •Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Navigate to the registration or profile update page on the Koder's Portfolio website.
    2. Attempt to enter an integer value (e.g., "123") in the first name and last name fields.
    3. Submit the form or proceed to the next step.
    4. Note that the system accepts the integer values without any validation error. •Expected Result: The first name and last name fields should only accept alphabetic characters (letters). •Actual Result: The system accepts integer values for both the first name and last name fields without validation error. •Severity: Critical •Recommendation: Implement validation on the first name and last name fields to only accept alphabetic characters, ensuring data integrity and adhering to standard naming conventions. •Attachments: Screenshot (331)
  2. Acceptance of Invalid Email Domains •Description: The Koder's Portfolio website does not validate email domains, allowing users to register with invalid or non-existent email domains (e.g., user@example.xyz). •Impact: This undermines data integrity and user security. Accepting invalid email domains can lead to undeliverable emails, account creation with fake or temporary email addresses, and potential misuse of the platform. •Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Navigate to the registration page on the Koder's Portfolio website.
    2. Enter an email address with an invalid domain (e.g., user@example.xyz).
    3. Submit the form or proceed to the next step.
    4. Note that the system accepts the email address without validating the domain. •Expected Result: The registration form should validate email domains to ensure they are legitimate and accessible. •Actual Result: The system accepts email addresses with invalid domains without validation. •Severity: Critical •Recommendation: Implement server-side validation for email domains during registration to prevent users from registering with invalid or non-existent email domains. •Attachments: Screenshot (328)
  3. SSL Handshake Failed Error (Code 525) on Payment Button Click •Description: Clicking the payment button on the Koders website results in a SSL handshake failed error (code 525). This error indicates that Cloudflare is unable to establish a secure SSL connection with the origin server (payments.koders.in). •Impact: Users are unable to proceed with payments, potentially leading to lost revenue and negative user experience. The inability to establish a secure connection poses a significant barrier to completing transactions securely. •Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Navigate to the Koders website.
    2. Go to the payment page or click on the payment button.
    3. Observe the SSL handshake failed error (code 525) displayed in the browser. •Expected Result: Clicking the payment button should securely initiate the payment process without SSL handshake failures. •Actual Result: SSL handshake failed error (code 525) is encountered when attempting to process payments. •Severity: Critical •Attachments: Screenshot (333)


  1. Usage of Deprecated StorageType.persistent •Description: Koder's Portfolio website utilizes the deprecated feature StorageType.persistent in the JavaScript code (main.js). •Impact: This feature is deprecated and may be removed in future browser versions, leading to potential compatibility issues and functionality breakdowns. •Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Inspect the JavaScript code (main.js) of the Koder's website.
    2. Identify the usage of StorageType.persistent.
    3. Note the deprecation warning in the browser console or development tools. •Expected Result: Modern standardized APIs like navigator.storage should be used instead of deprecated features to ensure compatibility and maintainability. •Actual Result: The website uses StorageType.persistent, a deprecated feature. •Severity: Medium (Potential for future compatibility issues) •Recommendation: Update the codebase to replace StorageType.persistent with standardized alternatives like navigator.storage. •Attachments: Screenshot (332)
  2. Acceptance of Numbers in Name Field on Contact Us Page •Description: The contact us page on the Koder's website allows users to input numeric values into the name field. This behavior deviates from standard form input expectations, which typically accept only alphabetic characters for names. •Impact: Allowing numeric inputs in the name field can lead to data inconsistency and confusion, as names typically do not contain numeric characters. It may also cause issues downstream if the system processes names incorrectly or fails to validate them properly. •Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Navigate to the contact us page on the Koder's website.
    2. Attempt to input numeric values (e.g., "123") into the name field.
    3. Submit the form or proceed to the next step.
    4. Note that the system accepts numeric inputs without validation error. •Expected Result: The name field should only accept alphabetic characters (letters). •Actual Result: Numeric values are accepted in the name field without validation, as observed during form submission. •Severity: Medium •Attachments: Screenshot (335)
  3. Acceptance of Incomplete Phone Numbers •Description: Information recording pages on the Koder's website (e.g., contact us, collaborate with us, get started) accept phone numbers with less than 10 digits. This behavior allows users to submit incomplete or improperly formatted phone numbers, which can lead to data integrity issues and hinder effective communication. •Impact: Accepting incomplete phone numbers may result in incorrect or inaccessible contact details for users, potentially leading to missed communications or failed attempts to reach customers or partners. •Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Navigate to any information recording page such as contact us, collaborate with us, or get started on the Koder's website.
    2. Enter a phone number with fewer than 10 digits (e.g., "1234567").
    3. Submit the form or proceed to the next step.
    4. Note that the system accepts the incomplete phone number without validation error. •Expected Result: Phone numbers should require a minimum of 10 digits to ensure completeness and accuracy in contact information. •Actual Result: The system accepts phone numbers with less than 10 digits, as observed during form submission. •Severity: Medium •Attachments: Screenshot (336)


Major Severity Issue

  1. Low-Performance Score (41) in Performance Testing •Description: Performance testing of the Koder's website indicates a score of 41, as assessed by tools such as Lighthouse or similar performance testing frameworks. •Impact: The low performance score indicates substantial delays, poor responsiveness, and sluggish page load times, negatively impacting user experience. Users may encounter slow loading times, leading to frustration, increased bounce rates, and potential abandonment of the website. •Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Conduct a comprehensive performance test using tools like Lighthouse on various pages of the Koder's website.
    2. Measure and record performance metrics including page load times, interactivity, and visual stability.
    3. Note the overall performance score and detailed metrics provided by the performance testing tool. •Expected Result: The performance score should be significantly higher (ideally above 90) to ensure optimal user experience with fast page load times and responsive interactions. •Actual Result: The performance testing tool reports a score of 41, indicating poor performance metrics across tested pages. •Severity: Major •Recommendation:
    4. Identify and address performance bottlenecks such as large asset sizes, inefficient code, or slow server response times.
    5. Implement optimizations including code minification, image compression, caching strategies, and server-side improvements to enhance website performance. •Attachments: Screenshot (338)

Low severity

  1. Incorrect Aspect Ratio of Displayed Images •Description: The images displayed on the Koder's website do not maintain their natural aspect ratio. For example, the image at the specified URL (...media/trusted-thebest.71426b75.webp) is displayed with dimensions of 424 x 310 pixels, resulting in an aspect ratio of approximately 1.37, while its actual aspect ratio is 1.91 (1100 x 575 pixels). •Impact: Images displayed with incorrect aspect ratios appear distorted or stretched, compromising visual quality and user experience. This can misrepresent the intended content and negatively impact the website's aesthetic appeal. •Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Navigate to the page on the Koder's website where the image (...media/trusted-thebest.71426b75.webp) is displayed.
    2. Inspect the image dimensions using browser developer tools or a similar tool.
    3. Compare the displayed dimensions (424 x 310 pixels) with the actual dimensions (1100 x 575 pixels) of the image. •Expected Result: Images should be displayed with dimensions that match their natural aspect ratio to maintain visual integrity and accuracy. •Actual Result: The image (...media/trusted-thebest.71426b75.webp) is displayed with incorrect dimensions and aspect ratio. •Severity: Medium •Attachments: Screenshot (341)