kodi-game / peripheral.steamcontroller

Steam controller driver for Kodi
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[REQUEST] Valve Steam Deck controller driver support? #22

Open Hedda opened 1 year ago

Hedda commented 1 year ago

@garbear Can I suggest you consider revamping/updating + repurposing this to remake it into a Steam Deck controller driver?

That is, full gamepad driver + game controller mappings for the "Steam Deck" (Valve's new portable/handheld gaming computer):


While Valve's Steam controller, Valve's Steam Link, and Valve's Steam Machine products have been discontinued, Valve's latest product; the Steam Deck which was released 1-year ago now has already proven to be a huge success as a handheld gaming computer, and its dual-touchpads seems to work similarly, and while it is a little expensive and the battery-time is not very long (due to it having a relatively powerful x86-64 CPU and graphics APU from AMD) it so far otherwise also looks to be the perfect portable retro gaming console, (which as a bonus also has a docking station), especially now that their technology/platform/software has matured somewhat.











Hedda commented 1 year ago

Here is a few projects I found related to creating a stand-alone Steam Deck controller driver.

Steamdeck WIndows Controller Driver (SWICD) - work in progress to map Steam Deck controller to Xbox 360 game controller:

GlosSI - Global (systemwide) Steam Input

SC Controller (and forks) - Updated User-mode driver, mapper and GTK3 based GUI for the Steam Controller

LibreELEC and similar OS distribution projects might also be interested in this for research purposes:

Steam Deck Tools (by ayufan, for Windows)

(Valve official) Steam Deck - Windows Resources (close source) https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/6121-ECCD-D643-BAA8


Hedda commented 1 year ago

@garbear FYI, read in the LibreELEC (Nexus) 11.0 release news on phoronix.com that it mentions "Steam Deck controls support":


However, LibreELEC (Nexus) 11.0 release announcement on the official libreelec.tv website does not mention Steam Deck control:


PS: Also noticed there is a thread on the Kodi forum in the hardware showcase subforum about running Kodi on the Steam Deck:


garbear commented 1 year ago

I stopped working on a kodi-space Steam Desk driver because it's more valuable to the world to support Steam Desk at an OS level. If there's OS support for steak deck, that means to uses the joystick API, and can be used in Kodi without extra effort on our end.

garbear commented 5 months ago

Guess who just got the 1TB OLED steam deck and is already compiling Kodi? 🙂