kodi-pvr / pvr.vdr.vnsi

Kodi PVR addon VNSI
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Random Live-TV freezes #46

Open lacunoc opened 8 years ago

lacunoc commented 8 years ago

Hey there,

dunno if it's the right repo or if it's a vdr-plugin-vnsiserver issue, but since the update to openelec 6.0 I got random freezes of Live-TV. While the pictures freezes it's still possible to use the menu and to stop the stream. When I started it again it will freeze again after a few seconds. After a reboot of openelec it will work for several hours +/-

I think there are users with a similar problem: http://openelec.tv/forum/87-vdr-addon/79303-need-help-live-tv-freeze-after-a-short-play?limitstart=0

I have the feeling that it will work longer when I disable timeshift function but I'm not sure.

Log-Entries of kodi when the problem appears: 00:00:02 201398.875000 T:1585157184 ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: ReadResult - request timed out after 3 seconds 00:00:02 201398.875000 T:1585157184 ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: GetDriveSpace - Can't get response packed 00:00:05 201401.875000 T:1585157184 ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: ReadResult - request timed out after 3 seconds 00:00:05 201401.875000 T:1585157184 ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: GetChannelsCount - Can't get response packed 00:00:08 201404.875000 T:1585157184 ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: ReadResult - request timed out after 3 seconds 00:00:08 201404.875000 T:1585157184 ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: GetTimersCount - Can't get response packed 00:00:11 201407.875000 T:1585157184 ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: ReadResult - request timed out after 3 seconds 00:00:11 201407.875000 T:1585157184 ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: GetRecordingsCount - Can't get response packed

Log-Entries of VDR server in the regarding timeframe: Dec 29 00:05:20 hp-g8 vdr: [28230] VNSI: cxSocket::read: eof, connection closed Dec 29 00:05:25 hp-g8 vdr: [28230] ERROR: cLiveStreamer stream processor thread 28233 won't end (waited 5 seconds) - canceling it... Dec 29 00:05:25 hp-g8 vdr: [28230] VNSI: LiveStreamer::Close - close Dec 29 00:05:25 hp-g8 vdr: [28230] VNSI: close video input ... Dec 29 00:05:25 hp-g8 vdr: [28230] VNSI: call retune ... Dec 29 00:05:25 hp-g8 vdr: [28230] CAM 1: unassigned Dec 29 00:05:25 hp-g8 vdr: [28230] VNSI: call retune ... Dec 29 00:05:25 hp-g8 vdr: [28234] device 1 TS buffer thread ended (pid=61758, tid=28234) Dec 29 00:05:25 hp-g8 vdr: [28231] buffer stats: 1266180 (24%) used Dec 29 00:05:25 hp-g8 vdr: [28231] device 1 receiver thread ended (pid=61758, tid=28231) Dec 29 00:05:40 hp-g8 vdr: [28230] VNSI: close video input ... Dec 29 00:05:40 hp-g8 vdr: [61770] VNSI: Client with ID 44 seems to be disconnected, removing from client list

Anybody got any idea why this is happening? Do I need to update the vnsi plugin to 1.11.11? I can't compile it on openelec, so how to get it done?

My setup: Server: VDR 2.2.0 with vnsiserver 1.3.1 @ Debian 7.9 Client: 2x Openelec 6.0 @ Raspberry Pi1/Pi2 with vnsi plugin 1.10.10

When u need further information, feel free to give me advise.

Thanks in advance!

FernetMenta commented 8 years ago

what did you set priority to? addon settings

lacunoc commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your quick answer!

I thought I changed it to the highest value (99? and default was... -1?) on my Main Pi so a upcoming recording is not stopping the stream.

These are my different settings.xml's of the two Pis:

Main Pi: <settings> <setting id="autochannelgroups" value="false" /> <setting id="convertchar" value="true" /> <setting id="handlemessages" value="true" /> <setting id="host" value="" /> <setting id="iconpath" value="" /> <setting id="port" value="34890" /> <setting id="priority" value="22" /> <setting id="timeout" value="3" /> <setting id="timeshift" value="0" /> <setting id="wol_mac" value="" /> </settings>

Other one: <settings> <setting id="autochannelgroups" value="false" /> <setting id="convertchar" value="true" /> <setting id="handlemessages" value="true" /> <setting id="host" value="" /> <setting id="iconpath" value="" /> <setting id="port" value="34890" /> <setting id="priority" value="1" /> <setting id="timeout" value="3" /> <setting id="timeshift" value="1" /> <setting id="wol_mac" value="" /> </settings>

I hope this helps.

FernetMenta commented 8 years ago

are you saying that the value of priority does not make any difference?

lacunoc commented 8 years ago

It makes a difference, the stream is not stopping when a recording should start. Thats why I changed it on my Main Pi to the highest values, which I thought was 99 in the GUI. Are there different ones I see in the GUI? Can't check up right now, cause I'm not at home.

FernetMenta commented 8 years ago

also make sure that yo have set AvoidEPGScan to 1 (setup.conf)

FernetMenta commented 8 years ago

It makes a difference, the stream is not stopping when a recording should start.

the question was if it makes a difference in regard to the issue

lacunoc commented 8 years ago

the question was if it makes a difference in regard to the issue

I would say no, no difference regarding this issue.

The only option which is set actually in my setup.conf is: vnsiserver.Timeshift = 2

so I should add: vnsiserver.AvoidEPGScan = 1


lacunoc commented 8 years ago

While I'm reading the possible config values for vnsiserver in setup.conf, I've got a question:

As long as the serverside Timeshift value is "2", a client is using timeshift anyway, right? Because my recording directory is a NFS-Share and I didn't redeclare the vnsiserver.TimeshiftBufferDir to use a local directory (or vnsiserver.TimeshiftBufferFileSize, vnsiserver.TimeshiftBufferSize)

Could this be a problem? And which BufferFileSize and BufferSize should be used?

/edit: And I saw your commit 65b0e9d (make avoid EPG scan while streaming default) which should be included in my yesterday new compiled vdr-plugin-vnsiserver

FernetMenta commented 8 years ago

Easiest way to change parameters is to use VDR UI provided by vnsi.

As long as the serverside Timeshift value is "2", a client is using timeshift anyway, right?

if this is the case, there is a bug

I won't put the timeshift file on a NFS share but this does not cause this issue. The problem is most likely that EPG scan interrupts playback. What other vdr plugins do you have loaded? I think that one of them pretends to be a full featured device having a decoder.

And I saw your commit 65b0e9d (make avoid EPG scan while streaming default) which should be included in my yesterday new compiled vdr-plugin-vnsiserver

This only has an influence on new installations.

lacunoc commented 8 years ago

As long as the serverside Timeshift value is "2", a client is using timeshift anyway, right?

if this is the case, there is a bug

I tested it and I think it's a bug. When I disabled timeshift on a client it's using timeshift anyway, when the serverside timeshift is enabled.

And I saw your commit 65b0e9d (make avoid EPG scan while streaming default) which should be included in my yesterday new compiled vdr-plugin-vnsiserver

This only has an influence on new installations.

AvoidEPGScan was already enabled as I saw it in VDR UI via Kodi. So that was not problem. But I think I solved my problem by changing the timeshift setting from "File" (NFS-Share) to "RAM" (Serverside).

No more complaints so far.

Thanks for your help and time!

FernetMenta commented 8 years ago

thanks for feedback. I will look into the timeshift enabled bug.