kodiri / 8-days-a-week

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#3 Positive quotes, remove 'click me' button . Added attributed quotes #26

Closed alwyn3540 closed 5 years ago

alwyn3540 commented 5 years ago

Please check you're happy with quotes I've chosen. I chose Ruth Ginsberg for the 'eighth day' as a prominent woman but outside of tech. I think we should try to incorporate the attached links somewhere on the site. Do think they're relevant?

https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05pn66z (Grace Hopper and COBOL)

https://www.gadgette.com/2016/03/15/women-in-tech-history-margaret-hamilton/ (This page links to series of articles about female tech pioneers and the site itself is aimed at women in STEM -science, tech, engineering, maths-)

