koehlp / wda_tracker

Weighted distance aggregation multi person multi camera tracker
MIT License
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EOFError: Ran out of input #1

Closed lxfhfut closed 4 years ago

lxfhfut commented 4 years ago

Hi Philipp,

First of all, thanks for the excellent work!

I have encountered an "EOFError: Ran out of input" when running the command "run_multi_cam_clustering.py --config configs/clustering_configs/mta_es_abd_non_clean.py". This error was raised when calculating the pickled person_id_tracks. Below is the error message:

`Did not find pickled person_id_tracks. Calculating them now. 36%|███▋ | 423/1165 [00:29<02:17, 5.40it/s]Ran out of input multiprocessing.pool.RemoteTraceback: """ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/lxfhfut/anaconda3/envs/wda/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 121, in worker result = (True, func(*args, **kwds)) File "/home/lxfhfut/Dropbox/PyCharm/wda_tracker/clustering/multi_cam_clustering.py", line 1413, in cluster_from_weights_task , dataset_type=dataset_type File "/home/lxfhfut/Dropbox/PyCharm/wda_tracker/clustering/multi_cam_clustering.py", line 1113, in cluster_from_weights ,dataset_type=dataset_type) File "/home/lxfhfut/Dropbox/PyCharm/wda_tracker/clustering/multi_cam_clustering.py", line 818, in cluster_tracks_via_hierarchical self.get_all_tracks_with_feature_mean(track_results_folder,dataset_type) File "/home/lxfhfut/Dropbox/PyCharm/wda_tracker/clustering/multi_cam_clustering.py", line 239, in get_all_tracks_with_feature_mean , dataset_type=dataset_type) File "/home/lxfhfut/Dropbox/PyCharm/wda_tracker/clustering/multi_cam_clustering.py", line 280, in calculate_track_feature_mean feature_dict = pickle.load(handle) EOFError: Ran out of input """

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/lxfhfut/Dropbox/PyCharm/wda_tracker/run_multi_cam_clustering.py", line 108, in run_clustering.run() File "/home/lxfhfut/Dropbox/PyCharm/wda_tracker/run_multi_cam_clustering.py", line 84, in run , n_split_parts=self.cfg.cluster_from_weights.split_count File "/home/lxfhfut/Dropbox/PyCharm/wda_tracker/clustering/multi_cam_clustering.py", line 1377, in splitted_clustering_from_weights eval_results = get_async_tracking_results(eval_results) File "/home/lxfhfut/Dropbox/PyCharm/wda_tracker/clustering/multi_cam_clustering.py", line 1277, in get_async_tracking_results result = result.get() File "/home/lxfhfut/anaconda3/envs/wda/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 657, in get raise self._value EOFError: Ran out of input ` I checked the '*/work_dirs/clustering/config_runs/mta_es_abd_non_clean/person_id_tracks' folder, nothing was generated. Would you kindly help with this issue? Please let me know if you need further information to resolve the error. Thank you!

koehlp commented 4 years ago

Hi, did you set up mmdetection?

lxfhfut commented 4 years ago

Hi, did you set up mmdetection?

I think mmdetection has been set up properly because I successfully run the single camera tracker, which calls the person doctor in mmdetection.

koehlp commented 4 years ago

And did you also change all necessary paths in mta_es_abd_non_clean.py? I could provide you my config_runs/mta_es_abd_non_clean if required.

lxfhfut commented 4 years ago

And did you also change all necessary paths in mta_es_abd_non_clean.py? I could provide you my config_runs/mta_es_abd_non_clean if required.


Thanks for your reply! I only worked on the 'MTA_ext_short' set coz running on the full-length videos is time-consuming. I did change the config_runs/mta_es_abd_non_clean. Above is the screenshot, where

Screenshot from 2020-07-08 11-49-06

The single-camera tracking works well (see above the screenshot of the generated tracking results) and I am able to run the evaluation on the results of single-camera tracking. I can also confirm that the 'reid_strong_baseline_config' and 'checkpoint_file' exist. It would be most helpful if you could advise if the settings in config_runs/mta_es_abd_non_clean are correct or not. Thank you.

koehlp commented 4 years ago

It seems correct. Maybe some files in config_runs/mta_es_abd_non_clean are empty and you have to remove them and then you have to run the clustering again. I also tried to run it again and it seemed to work. Here is my folder: https://studentkit-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/utcyi_student_kit_edu/EdpWWQ93c-RFnlrmWFWQ2csBRF6iaswKMVmbGc0aq0BlBg?e=ZcqhLM

lxfhfut commented 4 years ago

It seems correct. Maybe some files in config_runs/mta_es_abd_non_clean are empty and you have to remove them and then you have to run the clustering again. I also tried to run it again and it seemed to work. Here is my folder: https://studentkit-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/utcyi_student_kit_edu/EdpWWQ93c-RFnlrmWFWQ2csBRF6iaswKMVmbGc0aq0BlBg?e=ZcqhLM

Hi Phillip,

The issue has been resolved by removing the config_runs/mta_es_abd_non_clean folder and running the clustering again. Thank you so much for your help!

koehlp commented 4 years ago

Your're welcome!