koekeishiya / yabai

A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning
MIT License
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move window to different space starts to behvae wierd after installing scripting additions #2298

Open MKrbm opened 1 month ago

MKrbm commented 1 month ago

After installing scripting additions, the yabai -m window --space <SPACE_idx> stop to work properly.

More concretely, the window properly moves to the scpecified space only when the target space_id is at the different display. e.g. when the space arranges is like below and try to move a window in space 1 to space 3. ( cannot from space 1 to space 2) Screenshot 0006-05-27 at 17 11 38 Screenshot 0006-05-27 at 17 11 05

What I did before experiencing the bug

  1. Disabled SIP.
  2. run csrutil disable
  3. After restart, executed sudo nvram boot-args=-arm64e_preview_abi, and restart

I'm using m3 apple silicon.

bytesizelearning commented 1 month ago

I'm experiencing the same issue but I never enabled SIP in the first place.

The only thing that changed is my Macbook is now in clam shell mode and I updated to the latest version of macOS.

alber70g commented 1 month ago

I experenced something similar where unmanaged windows (I use a shortcut to make them unmanaged and bigger) wouldn't move to the other display as well.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. open a window (new terminal window for example), this window is automatically managed
  2. float the window (alt - t)
  3. move window to next display (ctrl + shift - up)



Exhibit 1: Shortcuts for ~/.skhdrc

# .skhdrc

# float / unfloat window and center
# use different settings for < 16:9 and > 16:9
alt - t : screen_width=$(yabai -m query --displays | jq "map(select(.index == $(yabai -m query --windows | jq 'map(select(."has-focus" == true))[0].display')))[0].frame.w"); \
  screen_height=$(yabai -m query --displays | jq "map(select(.index == $(yabai -m query --windows | jq 'map(select(."has-focus" == true))[0].display')))[0].frame.h"); \
  screen_ratio=$(echo "scale=2; $screen_width / $screen_height" | bc); \
  yabai -m window --toggle float --sub-layer below; \
  echo "$screen_ratio"; \
  if [[ $(echo "$screen_ratio > 1.78" | bc) -eq 1 ]] ; then \
    echo '> 16:9';\
    yabai -m window --grid 12:12:3:2:6:10; \
  else  \
    echo '< 16:9';\
    yabai -m window --grid 12:10:2:2:6:8; \

# send window to monitor and follow focus
ctrl + shift - up     : yabai -m window --display next; yabai -m display --focus next
ctrl + shift - down   : yabai -m window --display prev; yabai -m display --focus prev
MKrbm commented 1 month ago

I'm experiencing the same issue but I never enabled SIP in the first place.

The only thing that changed is my Macbook is now in clam shell mode and I updated to the latest version of macOS.

This can be the case. Actually I updated my mac-os before disabling SIP.

unix-unicorn commented 1 month ago

I am facing the same issue since the last update with both managed and unmanaged windows I have SIP disabled

nlamirault commented 1 month ago

Same issue using the last update to Sonoma 14.5

maheks commented 1 month ago

I have the same issue since updating, although I never touched SID so it should be enabled. Is there any other way to move the windows to another space? Because as of now yabai is unusable on 14.5 (at least for me) :(

saucoide commented 1 month ago

Update yabai to 7.1.1 which fixes this issue

bytesizelearning commented 1 month ago

@saucoide Thank you that solved it.