koel / docker

A minimal docker image for the koel music streaming server.
MIT License
178 stars 54 forks source link

Unable to init with postgres #117

Open xeruf opened 2 years ago

xeruf commented 2 years ago
❯ sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.postgres.yml up -d
Starting koel_database_1 ... done
Starting koel_koel_1     ... done
❯ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                    PORTS                                 NAMES
d762f1325c44   hyzual/koel   "koel-entrypoint apa…"   About an hour ago   Up 36 minutes (healthy)>80/tcp, :::380->80/tcp   koel_koel_1
912a728dd875   postgres:13   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   About an hour ago   Up 36 minutes             5432/tcp                              koel_database_1
❯ sudo docker exec --user www-data -it koel_koel_1 bash
www-data@d762f1325c44:~/html$ php artisan koel:init --no-assets
Attempting to install or upgrade Koel.
Remember, you can always install/upgrade manually following the guide here:
📙  https://docs.koel.dev

App key exists -- skipping
Migrating database
Oops! Koel installation or upgrade didn't finish successfully.
Please try again, or visit https://docs.koel.dev for manual installation.
😥 Sorry for this. You deserve better.
xeruf commented 2 years ago

Corresponding output from the container:

database_1  | 2022-01-17 17:39:37.068 UTC [116] ERROR:  cannot drop index artists_name_unique because constraint artists_name_unique on table artists requires it
database_1  | 2022-01-17 17:39:37.068 UTC [116] HINT:  You can drop constraint artists_name_unique on table artists instead.
database_1  | 2022-01-17 17:39:37.068 UTC [116] STATEMENT:  drop index "artists_name_unique"
database_1  | 2022-01-17 17:39:37.068 UTC [116] ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
database_1  | 2022-01-17 17:39:37.068 UTC [116] STATEMENT:  DEALLOCATE pdo_stmt_00000008
Hyzual commented 2 years ago

Hi @xeruf, it does not look like the problem lies with the Docker image and more with koel's code. Unfortunately it looks like I cannot transfer this issue to koel/koel, could you please open an issue there ? I could not find an existing issue similar to this. I cannot help you further as I'm not familiar with Postgres or the database code for Koel 😕.