koenbok / Framer

Framer - Design Everything
MIT License
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Typos in docs #206

Closed jake closed 9 years ago

jake commented 9 years ago

Didn't see the code for the docs anywhere, but spotted this typo when pasting the example into Framer Studio.

# Create a new ScrollComponent
scroll = new ScrollComponent({width:100, height:100)}

the } and ) are transposed.

Additionally, in the "Learn to Import" section, the following code doesn't actually run when pasted into Framer Studio, because "import" is a reserved word.

# This imports all the layers of "design" into import
import = Framer.Importer.load "imported/design"

# Set the opacity of layerA 
import.layerA.opacity = 0.5
benjamindenboer commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the heads-up Jake. Will fix this right now.

jake commented 9 years ago

ah, I see... site is at motif/FramerSite? in which case, this is the wrong end... different typo now, hah :)


benjamindenboer commented 9 years ago

Haha snap. Well spotted. Got it now. 😊