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make test fails on "Layer Shadow Properties should animate shadows through a shadow property" #583

Open RyLaney opened 5 years ago

RyLaney commented 5 years ago

running make test. expected result - all tests pass actual result: 1) Layer Shadow Properties should animate shadows through a shadow property: Uncaught AssertionError: expected 0.5 to be below 0.5 (file:///Users/ryanlaney/Projects/2018/Framer/test/phantomjs/tests.js:357)

failing test does not have an initial state on blur or color and does not have an animation on color

index 79bda7a..af565cf 100644
--- a/test/tests/LayerTest.coffee
+++ b/test/tests/LayerTest.coffee
@@ -895,9 +895,12 @@ describe "Layer", ->

                it "should animate shadows through a shadow property", (done) ->
                        l = new Layer
+                       l.shadow1.blur = 0
+                       l.shadow1.color = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"
                        a = l.animate
                                        blur: 100
+                                       color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)"
                        Utils.delay a.time / 2, ->
                                l.shadow1.color.a.should.be.above 0
                                l.shadow1.color.a.should.be.below 0.5