koenieee / PushBullet-ESP8266

PushBullet library to send and receive notifications/sms from your ESP8266 microcontroller.
GNU General Public License v2.0
27 stars 10 forks source link

Arduino 1.6.8 compilation error #2

Closed reaper7 closed 7 years ago

reaper7 commented 8 years ago

with error: PushBullet.cpp:87:87: error: default argument given for parameter 2 of 'void PushBullet::registerThisDevice(String, String)'

so...simply replace line 87 from:

void PushBullet::registerThisDevice(const String nickName, const String pushToken = "")


void PushBullet::registerThisDevice(const String nickName, const String pushToken)

solve problem

koenieee commented 8 years ago

Thank you for letting me know, I was busy developing a way to register the arduino as a device in pushbullet. So it would be possible to send push messages to the esp8266. But next time I will implement a new feature in another branch ;)

reaper7 commented 8 years ago

good news :) release date? ;)

BTW. something changed on pushbullet? because esp sending eg note but nothing reaches on other devices...

koenieee commented 8 years ago

I wanted to create something so I could push messages to the esp8266 connected to a Nokia 5510 LCD. To retrieve the push messages from pushbullet I need to use a json library, but it uses too much memory so I did not get that working yet (actually I only want to strip out the message so nothing else, do have an idea to do something like that without using a full json library?).

It happens sometimes that push notifications are not delivered, could you post your debug log here? Of course without your api key (so the sended response and reply).

BTW, I reset the last commit to the known working one in Master branch, the WIP version is in develop. Maybe you can try out the master branch and let me know if the last commit (actually your typo fix ;)) does work. I guess I broke something when implementing a new feature.

reaper7 commented 8 years ago

maybe other json libs? https://github.com/squix78/json-streaming-parser https://github.com/nomadnt/uJSON maybe from other examples: https://github.com/Yigihu/Simple-Arduino-JSON-Client

my debug do NOT show that "FAILED TO SEND"

Pushbullet note pushing
Request string: 
POST/v2/pushes HTTP/1.1
Host: api.pushbullet.com
User-Agent: ESP8266/NodeMCU 0.9
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 57
Access-Token: xxxxxxx

{"body":"Hello, from me","title":"Message","type":"note"}
koenieee commented 8 years ago

Did you also try it with the latest version in master branch?

reaper7 commented 8 years ago

Yes, today, the same :( but I remember that before (month or more), everything worked properly. I'm using arduino IDE 1.6.8 and latest github version of arduino/esp8266

koenieee commented 8 years ago

Hmm, then I think something changed in the PushBullet API, will try it soon

reaper7 commented 8 years ago

maybe, but works for You?

koenieee commented 8 years ago

It did some time ago, but I didn't tested the API the last three weeks.

reaper7 commented 8 years ago

I also check develop version, do not send note or other but register device (opt 'a' from example)

reaper7 commented 8 years ago

hmm...strange, I reinstall android pushbullet app and register it and now it's working... but earlier (before reinstall) I received all messages and sms from android to eg firefox ...