koenrh / delete-tweets

Delete tweets from your timeline.
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Tweets aren't being deleted when requested #94

Open phquiste opened 4 years ago

phquiste commented 4 years ago

First of all, thank you for your work. I've used several times in the last months, but today I ran through an issue where I tell python to run delete-tweets, but it doesn't work. There is no tweets deleted.

I already set my variables (on cmd, Windows, with the set command) and have the tweet.js on the root folder. My code looks like this:

C:\folder>set TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY="xxxxxx"

C:\folder>set TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET="xxxxxx"

C:\folder>set TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN="xxxxxx"

C:\folder>set TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET="xxxxxx"

C:\folder>python delete-tweets --until 2020-10-10 tweet.js --spare-min-likes 10 --spare-min-retweets 5


As you can see, no action is done when I ask it to delete tweets. What can I possibly be doing wrong?

phquiste commented 4 years ago

I managed to get it working using the command py instead of python on Windows 10. Now, I do get python working and everything else, but there is a new error message more related to the project itself.

C:\folder>py delete-tweets --until 2020-10-10 tweet.js --spare-min-likes 10 --spare-min-retweets 5
C:\Users\ph_qu\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe: can't open file 'C:\folder\delete-tweets': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

I'm a beginner in python, but it seems like it wants to open a folder called "delete-tweets" on the root folder of the project. When I rename the deletetweets folder to delete-tweets, the message is different:

ImportError: cannot import name 'deletetweets' from 'deletetweets' (C:\folder\delete-tweets\deletetweets.py)

Any help would be very appreciated, @koenrh! Hope you're doing well and are safe!

migcm commented 4 years ago

Same problem running it from python console.

phquiste commented 4 years ago

Where you able to find a solution yet, @migcm?

migcm commented 4 years ago


koenrh commented 3 years ago

Apologies for the late response and thank you for reporting, @phquiste.

I don't have a Windows machine available at the moment, but let me try to reproduce it on CI using a Windows image.

koenrh commented 3 years ago

C:\folder>python delete-tweets --until 2020-10-10 tweet.js --spare-min-likes 10 --spare-min-retweets 5

Not familiar with Windows, but you should not have to prefix the executable (delete-tweets) with 'python`.

Have you installed the script using pip install delete-tweets?

Peteous commented 3 years ago

I have tried running pip install delete-tweets on Windows. This does not resolve the issue. delete-tweets is not recognized as an internal or external command

weaselfoot commented 1 year ago

did you ever get this to work on a windows machine @Peteous ?

weaselfoot commented 1 year ago

anyone using a windows machine should try this repo instead https://github.com/wayne530/twitter-wipe. I'm sure this tool is fantastic, but setting up a linux/mac vm to get it to work may be too much effort for most