koffienl / ESPimatic

read/control DS18B20/DHT/IR/Relay from and to Pimatic on ESP8266
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Feature requests #4

Open koffienl opened 8 years ago

koffienl commented 8 years ago

Please post your feature requests here :)

Current requests: deep sleep function (available since 0.1.26) encrypted communication with pimatic (not possible due to memory limits) Secured WebGUI (login/pass) (available since 0.1.24) 100% Complete offline Version (no external .js/.css) (maybe we find a solution that is not slowing everything extremely down ) (available since 0.1.24) Button/Function in WebGUI for checking of new ESPimatic Version on github... + Button to download and install (not possible due to tot memory limits) Display file-version of each file, when opened.. and/or summarize on dashboard.. for example a little "v 0.1.23" in the corner of http://esp-ip/ds18b20.html (available since 0.1.25) ~~ Autoreload every X-Seconds ~~ (available since 0.1.24) ~~ Supportbutton (linking to this Forum and/or github)~~ (available since 0.1.24) ~~ possibility to give each ESPimatic an own name.. so that it is also identified via name on dashboard.. not only by IP... ~~ (available since 0.1.24) Read Analog Signals on ADC-Pin (available sincs 0.1.25)

multiple DS18?20 Sensors Relay/Button input (low/high pin detection) Setup possibility to do Initial WiFi Config in .ino file before flashing should not display functions/features/devices that are not installed (for example: no dht.html = no dht menu or dashbord entry) separated area for disabled functions/features/devices functions/features/devices-texts as buttons linking to coresponding menu entry Refresh-Button should ignore interval-settings of all functions/features/devices.. it should refresh everything on demand StaticIP/GW/DNS RC522 RFID-Scanner RGB LED-Strip device (3 PWM outputs) PIR support

Seeing a request here does not automaticly means it's going to be supported ;)

thymian commented 8 years ago

definitly PIR!

Heizelmann commented 8 years ago
koffienl commented 8 years ago

You can try compressing all the HTML files into .gz the webserver will support that allready

rowemime commented 8 years ago

Support for BH1750 light intensity sensor.

HenriMatthijssen commented 8 years ago

Support for PIR, so you can trigger your relays again.

koffienl commented 8 years ago

Started to make a build-in telnet server for the minimal setup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUifIICGaKE

DDNRN commented 8 years ago

1) What about a button for each relay on the GUI, so simply switch direct from esp-website? 2) more options for data to display on matrix (toggling temp/hum from DHT ...)

koffienl commented 8 years ago

You can allready switch realys with the API, not sure if I will implement such a feature, the main goals is to build a ESP that ineract with Pimatic, not mini-pimatic ;)

Toggling on the LED Matrix sounds nice, might do that one :+1:

DDNRN commented 8 years ago

A relays button would also be very helpful for debugging hardware without pimatic. I can't use the api without reading required syntax but a simple button would help.

n3roGit commented 8 years ago

I hope you add rgb led stripe support in the near feature. This would be awesome :)


georg90 commented 8 years ago

+1 for homeduino on the ESPimatic


Stokstaart commented 8 years ago
MarcelMertens commented 7 years ago

Pulse Counter via Light Sensor/IR Sensor

warde265 commented 7 years ago

Hi koffienl,

Is it possible to add ULTRASONIC HC-SR04 in the supported hardware ?

shadlyd15 commented 7 years ago

Can you please add MQTT Client support?

tdebans commented 7 years ago

Support for Itho 868Mhz ventilation unit https://github.com/supersjimmie/IthoEcoFanRFT/tree/master/Master/Itho https://gathering.tweakers.net/forum/list_messages/1690945

georg90 commented 7 years ago

Support for hex code with protocol messages for IRsend.

I implemented a quick & dirty solution https://github.com/georg90/ESPimatic/commit/8910ecac53479bfb014b1e168d8119eb1088711e but missing a fallback to raw codes (since I don't need it..)

Maybe someone wants to merge those?

betz0r commented 6 years ago

How about to use the internal vcore voltage (ESP.vcc) as a indicator for a batteries remaining capacity?