kofigyan / StateProgressBar

Android library to realize the various states and transitions in a ProgressBar.
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how to add more than 4 states? #25

Closed xellDart closed 2 years ago

xellDart commented 6 years ago

i need nine states for this

kofigyan commented 6 years ago

Hi @xperiafan13-rom , thanks for reaching out. You can currently add a maximum of five states. I am currently working on the ability to add infinite(N) number of states. This feature will be available soon. I am considering the possibility of giving you an early exclusive preview(Not full features but a working solution). I will keep you posted on that.

rohitgarg29 commented 6 years ago

You need to make changes like below. Till the time, kofigyan completes the next version, you can use below work around.

public enum StateNumber { ONE(1), TWO(2), THREE(3), FOUR(4), FIVE(5), SIX(6), SEVEN(7), EIGHT(8); private int value;

    StateNumber(int value) {
        this.value = value;

    public int getValue() {
        return value;
sudarshaana commented 6 years ago

If your work has finished of adding more then 5 states, please commit changes.

shadygoneinsane commented 5 years ago

someone plz fork and fix this !!

Mansourx commented 2 years ago

need to use the same Lib for 7 states!