kohler / click

The Click modular router: fast modular packet processing and analysis
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Why are <click/packet.hh> & <click/packet_anno.hh> included in ip6address.hh if CLICK_TOOL is not set? #239

Open glemin opened 8 years ago

glemin commented 8 years ago

Hello all,

I have a question. Why are <click/packet.hh> & <click/packet_anno.hh> included in ip6address.hh if CLICK_TOOL is not set?

a) What is CLICK_TOOL and when is this macro set? (just out of curiosity and being sure that I have done nothing wrong when makig changes)

b) I suggest reversing the include order and remove the following 3 macros,

inline const IP6Address &
DST_IP6_ANNO(Packet *p)
    return *reinterpret_cast<IP6Address *>(p->anno_u8() + DST_IP6_ANNO_OFFSET);

inline void
SET_DST_IP6_ANNO(Packet *p, const IP6Address &a)
    memcpy(p->anno_u8() + DST_IP6_ANNO_OFFSET, a.data(), DST_IP6_ANNO_SIZE);

inline void
SET_DST_IP6_ANNO(Packet *p, const struct in6_addr &a)
    memcpy(p->anno_u8() + DST_IP6_ANNO_OFFSET, &a, DST_IP6_ANNO_SIZE);

and replace them by the following two Packet class functions in stead:

inline IP6Address
Packet::dst_ip6_anno() const
    return IP6Address(anno_u8());

inline void
Packet::set_dst_ip6_anno(IP6Address a)
    memcpy(anno_u8(), a.data(), 16); // The size of an IPv6 address is 16 bytes.

I have already done this in my private project and it seems to work (see code here) . Then we have to use a macro less (which is always good according to Stroustrup in his famous C++ book) and it feels more natural I think that our packet class just includes the ip6address information, just as it includes the ipaddress information. I think it is a bit weird to see included somewhere actually.

Best Regards, Glenn

tbarbette commented 8 years ago

CLICK_TOOL is used when including click files while building tools from the /tools folder (and maybe other "external" software?). I don't know why it is needed in this specific case and never touched tools so I can't help much.

glemin commented 8 years ago

I am not sure but what happens if CLICK_TOOL is set? Then maybe you can't compile click with the --ip6 configuration option?

When I look at setip6address for instance I see the following,

 * setip6address.{cc,hh} -- element sets destination address annotation
 * to a particular IP6 address
 * Eddie Kohler, Peilei Fan
 * Copyright (c) 2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
 * to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
 * listed in the Click LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
 * preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
 * holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
 * The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
 * notice is a summary of the Click LICENSE file; the license in that file is
 * legally binding.

#include <click/config.h>
#include "setip6address.hh"
#include <click/args.hh>



SetIP6Address::configure(Vector<String> &conf, ErrorHandler *errh)
    return Args(conf, this, errh).read_mp("IPADDR", _ip6).complete();

Packet *
SetIP6Address::simple_action(Packet *p)
    SET_DST_IP6_ANNO(p, _ip6);
    return p;


Am I right that click is maybe not compileable then when if CLICK_TOOL is set and the ip6 directory is compiled at the same time? Because maybe he can't find the macro then, because it says #if !CLICK_TOOL . Actually I have also no idea what the compiler will do if you use a MACRO that wasn't set.

I have never compiled any Click Tools before to my knowledge (or maybe I do without knowing it). The configuration I always use now is ./configure --disable-linuxmodule --enable-ip6, and I compile with sudo make install.

kohler commented 8 years ago

You have compiled Click tools. click-install, etc., are called the Click tools. A Click tool is something that manipulates Click configurations but doesn't actually run packets. Anything in the tools directory.

Your proposed change—adding Packet functions dst_ip6_anno() and set_dst_ip6_anno—would be a good one. Those functions would have to be #ifdef CLICK_IP6. But I would accept that change. You would change the elements to match.

Such changes are always a little unfortunate, because other elements out in the world might depend on the existing macros. So even better than removing the macros would be replacing them with deprecated functions.

glemin commented 8 years ago

Sounds great. I will do that.