kohler / click

The Click modular router: fast modular packet processing and analysis
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help for /wifi/setrts.cc #368

Closed peterrz closed 6 years ago

peterrz commented 7 years ago

I want to use /wifi/setrts.cc in my click to disable Request to sends and clear to sends, but I don't find any function definition or description about this, if anybody has experience please guide me.

peterrz commented 6 years ago

Need more info about click/include/clicknet/wifi.h. what happened if i change this Flag struct click_wifi_extra { uint32_t flags; like: Packet * SetRTS::simple_action(Packet *p) { if (p) { struct click_wifi_extra *ceh = WIFI_EXTRA_ANNO(p); ceh->magic = WIFI_EXTRA_MAGIC; ceh->flags &= ~WIFI_EXTRA_DO_RTS_CTS; } return p; } i will be appreciated guide me. Thanks!