kohler / click

The Click modular router: fast modular packet processing and analysis
740 stars 321 forks source link

The site is down #377

Open PurgingPanda opened 6 years ago

PurgingPanda commented 6 years ago

Connection to http://www.read.cs.ucla.edu/click/ times out.

lynn commented 6 years ago

The site is still down… I need to access the Click documentation for a course I’m taking. Right now I’m relying on the comments in the source code (e.g. here), but it’s not very practical. Is there some way to generate the docs locally?

kohler commented 6 years ago

The read.cs.ucla.edu site will not be returning.

If you do make install, and the relevant portion is in your MANPATH, you can read the manual pages with, e.g., man ICMPSendPings. But for Web, I've added the element documentation to the GitHub wiki.


tbarbette commented 6 years ago

Should people contribute to the wiki to make it match what the UCLA wiki site was for other pages than elements? And potentially more up-to-date.

ahenning commented 6 years ago

As a test I took the html from two webarchive pages and converted it to markdown and uploaded to the wiki. This works except for links that still reference the old site.

banmoy commented 6 years ago

@kohler Can you add the clickunderhood page to the wiki?

bcronje commented 6 years ago

@tbarbette are you able to edit this github project description? Currently on the homepage https://github.com/kohler/click right at the top it still refers to:

The Click modular router: fast modular packet processing and analysis http://www.read.cs.ucla.edu/click/

Maybe replace that link with a link to the wiki?

tbarbette commented 6 years ago

No I can't. @kohler himself must do it.

kohler commented 6 years ago

I deleted the link.