kohler / click

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Possible mistake in IP6NDSolicitor element's wiki #392

Open kthkaya opened 6 years ago

kthkaya commented 6 years ago

Following is the example given for IP6NDSolicitor in this wiki

c :: Classifier(12/86dd 20/3aff 54/87, 12/86dd 20/3aff 54/88, 12/86dd);  
nds :: IP6NDSolicitor(3ffe:1ce1:2::1, 00:e0:29:05:e5:6f);
c[0] -> ...
c[1] -> nds[1];
c[2] -> ... -> nds[0];
nds[0] -> ... -> ToDevice(eth0);

I believe the 4th line should be c[1] -> [1]nds; instead of c[1] -> nds[1];