kohler / click

The Click modular router: fast modular packet processing and analysis
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How to run a .click file? #404

Closed alinaSarwar closed 6 years ago

alinaSarwar commented 6 years ago

I have installed kernel 3.13 on my ubuntu machine. I was trying to run thomer-nat.click by running this command: sudo click-install -V thomer-nat.click

The output I get is this: click-install: Writing configuration to /click/.h/config click-install: Waiting for errors click-install: Done

^I get no errors but it seems that the NAT is not functioning. The source IP and port of the packets I send from behind the NAT are not being changed. I checked this by using tcpdump on the destination host.

I changed the NAT script by writing wrong IPs and MAC addresses for the network interfaces and ran the same command to install the click module. Still I get no errors and the click file apparently installs. What could be the reason for this?