kohler / masstree-beta

Beta release of Masstree.
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Running Masstree with UDP #44

Closed hamedsey closed 3 years ago

hamedsey commented 3 years ago


I'm trying to run Masstree with the native UDP client After following the setup guidelines provided in the README, I've used the following to start the server:

./mtd --cores 2 -j 2

Screen Shot 2021-02-24 at 8 09 36 PM

and the following to start my client:

./mtclient -s -j 2 -u rw1

Screen Shot 2021-02-24 at 9 14 21 PM

The client seems to hang. However, the same test work fine without the -u flag (which I believe would make a TCP client).

I had specified 2 threads and 2 cores, but I'm also curious as to why there are node counts for more than two cores.

Are these bugs, or am I missing something? Would sincerely appreciate your feedback.

Thanks, Hamed

hamedsey commented 3 years ago

The mtclient seems to hang on line 639 of mtclient.cc where the parent process is waiting for the child processes to terminate. Any idea on how to debug this?

  for(i = 0; i < children; i++){
     if(wait(&status) <= 0){   //line 639
      if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
          fprintf(stderr, "child %d died by signal %d\n", i, WTERMSIG(status));