koide3 / direct_visual_lidar_calibration

A toolbox for target-less LiDAR-camera calibration [ROS1/ROS2]
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Closed ManChrys closed 1 week ago

ManChrys commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @koide3 @Seekerzero ,

thanks for the amazing package !

i would like to ask if i use a stereo camera like zed2 whats the best topic should i use ?

Thanks in advance!!

The ZED node publishes data on the following topics:

Left camera
    rgb/image_rect_color: Color rectified image (left RGB image by default)
    rgb/image_rect_gray: Grayscale rectified image (left RGB image by default)
    rgb_raw/image_raw_color: Color unrectified image (left RGB image by default)
    rgb_raw/image_raw_gray: Grayscale unrectified image (left RGB image by default)
    rgb/camera_info: Color camera calibration data
    rgb_raw/camera_info: Color unrectified camera calibration data
    left/image_rect_color: Left camera color rectified image
    left/image_rect_gray: Left camera grayscale rectified image
    left_raw/image_raw_color: Left camera color unrectified image
    left_raw/image_raw_gray: Left camera grayscale unrectified image
    left/camera_info: Left camera calibration data
    left_raw/camera_info: Left unrectified camera calibration data

Right camera
    right/image_rect_color: Color rectified right image
    right_raw/image_raw_color: Color unrectified right image
    right/image_rect_gray: Grayscale rectified right image
    right_raw/image_raw_gray: Grayscale unrectified right image
    right/camera_info: Right camera calibration data
    right_raw/camera_info: Right unrectified camera calibration data

Stereo pair
    stereo/image_rect_color: stereo rectified pair images side-by-side
    stereo_raw/image_raw_color: stereo unrectified pair images side-by-side

    Note: to retrieve the camera parameters you can subscribe to the topics left/camera_info, right/camera_info, left_raw/camera_info and right_raw/camera_info

Depth and point cloud
    depth/depth_registered: Depth map image registered on the left image (32-bit float in meters by default)
    depth/camera_info: Depth camera calibration data
    point_cloud/cloud_registered: Registered color point cloud
    confidence/confidence_map: Confidence image (floating point values to be used in your own algorithms)
    disparity/disparity_image: Disparity image
Seekerzero commented 2 weeks ago

You shall only calibrate the camera with the lidar using the raw image since the camera intrinsics were calculated based on the raw images, not the rectified ones. Hope this helps.

ManChrys commented 2 weeks ago

Ok and I have to choose the right or left camera right?

Seekerzero commented 1 week ago

yep, once you calibrate one camera, you can then also calibrate the other using the ODE calibrated extrinsic values for the stereo camera.

ManChrys commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the help my friend !! ✌️