Hi, koide, thanks for your works. I tried your registration method, specifically fast voxel boosted gicp, on a more dense point clouds. I found that the memory required is too big for correspondence searching, as the following code shows
void FastVGICP<PointSource, PointTarget>::update_correspondences(const Eigen::Isometry3d& trans) {
auto offsets = neighbor_offsets(search_method_);
unsigned int scaled_pts_num = input_->size() * offsets.size();
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, GaussianVoxel::Ptr>>> corrs(num_threads_);
for (auto& c : corrs) {
c.reserve(scaled_pts_num / num_threads_);
My question is if there are large amount of pts inside a voxel, the memory cost is too large for a simple 7nn neighbor. Although i know this operation is used for fast query neighborhood pts, but memory cost is still quite large? My laptop doesn't have enough memory for such a large memory cost operation.
Hi, koide, thanks for your works. I tried your registration method, specifically fast voxel boosted gicp, on a more dense point clouds. I found that the memory required is too big for correspondence searching, as the following code shows
or more details at https://github.com/SMRT-AIST/fast_gicp/blob/2e9fd0b342b02b65e92142e9971f2e342f40a20a/include/fast_gicp/gicp/impl/fast_vgicp_impl.hpp#L96
and at https://github.com/SMRT-AIST/fast_gicp/blob/2e9fd0b342b02b65e92142e9971f2e342f40a20a/include/fast_gicp/gicp/impl/fast_vgicp_impl.hpp#L102
My question is if there are large amount of pts inside a voxel, the memory cost is too large for a simple 7nn neighbor. Although i know this operation is used for fast query neighborhood pts, but memory cost is still quite large? My laptop doesn't have enough memory for such a large memory cost operation.